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@thomas: granted, but it doesn’t help as I was going to vote remain anyhow!
@paulspencerwilliams: much appreciated!!!
@thomas: yes, I'm, really not sure what is going to happen. I fear the worst, so there's absolutely no way I'm not voting.
yes all the uncertainty is not good… and even though there are very voting ballots saying that Thomas should leave the country it does feel a bit like that…
and judging from several articles in the news papers I am not the only one feeling like that.
@thomas if it helps settle your nerves a little, my wife drove in to London the other day and there were people on the side of the road holding signs saying something like "Honk to support leave" and the cars driving past were very quiet 🙂 Fingers crossed
And my vote will be cast a little later today
hello @benedek - with mranderson, what’s the workflow for starting a repl and having access to the source dependencies? Do I have to add them as normal deps in the :dev
profile? Do I have to change the source path and also change my requires in my code?
or maybe this is enough? lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config repl
but I can no longer say (:require [clojure.core.async :as async])
it has to be (:require [mranderson047.coreasync.v0v2v385.clojure.core.async])
but what about the source of my project? it also has to point to the munged namespace, right?
is there an example project that uses mranderson?
I guess refactor-nrepl is using it
hm, it seems that the source of refactor-nrepl contains “normal” requires such as [org.httpkit.client :as http]
I guess what I’m saying is: is it possible to start a repl in a project that uses mranderson and source deps and compile a namespace with “normal” includes and generally do the normal repl-driven development transparently?
@benedek: modifying my code under target/srcdeps may be a problem because I would then have to copy the changes back to src/
maybe I could add my source dependencies to the :dev profile in project.clj
so that they are loaded as normal deps for repl-driven development
and treated as source-deps when packaging
You can run tests/repl with mranderson so you can make sure everything works with the munged sources
@benedek: ok, thanks, I’ll figure out a workflow that works for me 🙂
@benedek: If I put :source-paths ["src" "dev”]
in my :dev
profile, mranderson does not copy/munge my src files to target. If I remove the :source-paths
setting completely, it does. Bug?
yeah, sorry, edited
Also there is dolly which is very diff approach but puts the inlined deps together with ur source
I don’t, I’m just trying to figure out how to work with mranderson. I tagged a few deps as source-deps, and when I tried to jack-in and load my namespaces, (:require) failed
almost like source deps stopped being normal deps
ok let me try again
yeah that worked 🙂 I think I was confused with all the different things I’m trying
so that’s good, but maybe source-paths handling is broken
the other thing that also seems to break if I remove source-paths is this: a dependency (datascript) defines a record in one namespace and then tries to :import
it from another namespace. lein with-profile +plugin.mranderson/config test
fails with a ClassNotFoundException
@benedek: sure, I’ll raise both with details 🙂
@benedek: can’t reproduce the source-paths problem, but here’s the one about records:
@thomas: vote cast
Thank you very much indeed @yogidevbear
Now lets hope the rest of the country sees sense 😉
@glenjamin: I hope so too
My father voted "leave" (and he’s very proud of that). I think my mother and her current hubby voted "remain" but they haven’t yet confirmed that. Over here in the US, we are watching and waiting with bated breath for the results tonight (late Pacific time).
sigh, I always want to ask which of my friends leavers would like to kick out of the country