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how can I spec the return spec of a function that depends on the args it received : ex ring-spec normal handler vs async-handler: (if args.length == 3 : ret then is nil else response map)?
a "multiple arity" version of fspec could make sense here. it would feel more natural maybe
You could make the ret spec nilable and describe that relationship in the :fn as you mentioned. Doesn't seem like that much of a hack to me
I think I prefer the s/or with the 2 fspecs, makes the relation between args/ret clearer
I came up with this in the end
@mpenet: the whole purpose of :fn is to describe relationships between args and ret
got it, so not really good to discern 2 arities of a function like I was doing (I had one "giant" fspec describing both arities/return types)
seems perfectly reasonable to cover each possibility in the :ret (just tell the truth about what it can be)
then in :fn you can declare that the :ret you got matched the :args that were sent
you get conformed values of :args and :ret in :fn, so it should be relatively easy to check
Yes I saw this, but wouldn't it be more work for gen down the road having all these branches? I mean vs. (s/or (s/fspec) (s/fspec))
it just picks one or the other
that’s why I have a computer :)
a fully-featured dependent type system
@gfredericks: you joke, but:
@arohner: oh hey good!
basic tests pass, and simple files will check / not-check as appropriate, but nowhere near ready for production code
@mpenet I have some of the nastier core macro specs ready and some of them might land in the near future
gfredericks: Preferred schpec namespace for maps that are closed for extension and its generators? keys?
(defmacro weighted-or
"Like [[s/or]], but with weights."
[& weighted-options]
(let [[names specs ws] (apply map vector (partition 3 weighted-options))
sums (reductions + ws)]
(s/or ~@(interleave names specs))
(fn []
(fn [count#]
(let [schema# (condp >= count# ~@(interleave sums specs))]
(gen/generate (s/gen schema#))))
(gen/choose 1 ~(last sums)))))))