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I attended a clojure meet-up in Belgium last week, was fun to get to know the people there.


let me answer the borkdude daily query for once: I'm going to try to use shadow-cljs to build a node.js server that sets up a websockets server to handle syncing Yjs backed clojurescript data. This so I can store that into something queryable from xtdb.


@bbss Living in Belgium nowadays?


No, but I work for a Belgian company. I've been in The Netherlands for the last couple months, but am technically still living in Korea.


I work for, small development team that uses a ton of clojure and clojurescript πŸ™‚


yes! Very happy to get to do this. Wasn't necessarily looking for a new job, but this opportunity hit so many boxes for me and them that I had to respond πŸ™‚


Specifically they were looking for someone with experience with clj(s) and


which I think only very few people in the world actually have. I had been working for someone in SF for a Stanford project that involved a lot of webgl aircraft noise visualization.


I am guessing the venn diagram of people who use those techs is pretty small, and me being half Belgian and Dutch, made it such a match made in heaven ☺️

πŸ‘ 2
thomas10:12:37 certainly looks cool


Yeah, it's been good to work with, a lot of nice utilities available. It's very map oriented, but it turns out that in the medical world similar techniques are used for large images (for example microscopy) so you need a similar tiling approach with multiple zoom levels.