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Been working on rn apps with shadow-cljs and it almost always goes pretty smooth but sometimes I run along an npm package that i just cant get to work. Im trying to get a deck swiper working from this package and wrote a basic swiper like so:
(ns deck-swipe.core
["react-native" :as rn]
["@ilterugur/react-native-deck-swiper-renewed" :refer [Swiper]]
[shadow.react-native :refer [render-root]]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(def styles
^js (-> {:container
{:flex 1
:backgroundColor "#F5FCFF"}
{:flex 1
:borderRadius 4
:borderWidth 2
:borderColor "#E8E8E8"
:justifyContent "center"
:backgroundColor "white"}
{:textAlign "center"
:fontSize 50
:backgroundColor "transparent"}}
(defn root
(fn []
[:> rn/View {:style (.-container styles)}
[:> Swiper {:cards ["do" "more" "of" "what" "makes" "you" "happy"]
:renderCard (fn []
(r/as-element [:> rn/View {:style (.-card styles)}
[:> rn/Text {:style (.-text styles)} card]]))
:onSwiped #(js/console.log %)
:onSwipedAll #(js/console.log "onSwipedAll")
:cardIndex 0
:backgroundColor "#4FD0E9"
:stackSize 3}]
[:> rn/Button {:onPress #(js/console.log "oulala")
:title "Press me"}]]))
(defn start
{:dev/after-load true}
(render-root "deckSwipeCLJS" (r/as-element [root])))
(defn init []
but then i get
Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your component from the file it's defined in, or you might have mixed up default and named imports.
Check the render method of `deck_swipe.core.root`.
This error is located at:
in RCTView (at View.js:32)
in View (created by deck_swipe.core.root)
in deck_swipe.core.root
in Unknown (at renderApplication.js:50)
in RCTView (at View.js:32)
in View (at AppContainer.js:92)
in RCTView (at View.js:32)
in View (at AppContainer.js:119)
in AppContainer (at renderApplication.js:43)
in deckSwipeCLJS(RootComponent) (at renderApplication.js:60)
the only other time i have seen that error is when I have worked in a JS react native project and accidentally cut out the export default App;
line at the end of App.js
likely is the undefined
one, make sure your require is correct. it might be a default export.
try ["@ilterugur/react-native-deck-swiper-renewed$default" :as Swiper]
isntead of ["@ilterugur/react-native-deck-swiper-renewed" :refer [Swiper]]
oh crap sorry i think that was a small typo from when I was trying something different.
(ns deck-swipe.core
["react-native" :as rn]
["@ilterugur/react-native-deck-swiper-renewed" :refer [Swiper]]
[shadow.react-native :refer [render-root]]
[reagent.core :as r]))
(def styles
^js (-> {:container
{:flex 1
:backgroundColor "#F5FCFF"}
{:flex 1
:borderRadius 4
:borderWidth 2
:borderColor "#E8E8E8"
:justifyContent "center"
:backgroundColor "white"}
{:textAlign "center"
:fontSize 50
:backgroundColor "transparent"}}
(defn root
(fn []
[:> rn/View
[:> Swiper {:cards (array "do" "more" "of" "what" "makes" "you" "happy")
:renderCard (fn [card]
(r/as-element [:> rn/View {:style (.-card styles)}
[:> rn/Text {:style (.-text styles)} card]]))
:onSwiped #(js/console.log %)
:onSwipedAll #(js/console.log "onSwipedAll")
:cardIndex 0
:backgroundColor "#4FD0E9"
:stackSize 3}]
[:> rn/Button {:onPress #(js/console.log "oulala")
:title "Press me"}]]))
(defn start
{:dev/after-load true}
(render-root "deckSwipeCLJS" (r/as-element [root])))
(defn init []
still produces that errorcould you help me understand how that works? I have never seen :as
work without being a namespace alias before
["@ilterugur/react-native-deck-swiper-renewed" :rename {default Swiper}]
would also work
doesn't because the export is named default
not Swiper
. see the translation table here