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@shaunlebron I don't think you'd need the type hint in this case. I've been running with macro like this and it's working well:
(core/defmacro =
([x] true)
([x y]
(core/or (core/keyword? x) (core/keyword? y))
(core/list 'cljs.core/keyword-identical? x y))
(core/or (core/string? x) (core/string? y) (core/char? x) (core/char? y))
(core/list 'cljs.core/identical? x y))
(core/or (core/number? x) (core/number? y))
(core/list 'cljs.core/== x y))
(core/list 'js* "cljs.core._EQ_.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$2(~{},~{})" x y))))
([x y & xs]
(core/list 'js*
"cljs.core._EQ_.cljs$core$IFn$_invoke$arity$variadic(~{}, ~{}, ~{})"
x y `(cljs.core/array-seq (cljs.core/array ~@xs) 0)))))
(core/defmacro not=
([x] false)
([x y] `(coercive-not (= ~x ~y)))
([x y & xs]
`(coercive-not (= ~x ~y ~@xs))))
@rauh thanks! so it just sees if any arg is a constant to optimally select the appropriate comparison function, and falls back to original function
is this doable as a core patch?
An experiment to see if filter
can be made to run faster if the predicate is a Var tagged ^boolean
(using unchecked if
@rauh that version of =
is probably not a good idea, you really can’t swap in keyword-identical?
like that w/o introducing a breaking change and a lot of confusion
actually, sorry I was confused - was thinking about somebody having proposed this for identical?
@shaunlebron inlining =
like @rauh has done is not a bad idea and would cover the Closure define case, patch welcome
hrm on a second thought doing this means breaking =
extension yourself for these values
We could straight up call IEquiv
if one of them is a coll?
like (= [0] the_exp)
-> (.cljs$core$IEquiv$_equiv$arity$2 [0] nil the_exp)
(possibly adding ^not-native
Also could do symbol-identical?
. Though I think most common cases are covered by the above code.
Right, that's impossible to do then... And those extender folks would also rely on the fact that =
function right now calls (-equiv x y)
, so IEquiv
on the first argument (and not on the second argument). So we could change the above by only checking the first argument x
for keyword?
/`number?` (etc). and emit specialized code.
But not if y
is a keyword, since the custom type could potentially define its own IEquiv
leave as is since it would be a big breaking change and has no effect on existing highly optimized code
so the breaking case is that someone overrides -equiv
for keywords/booleans/strings?
(extend-type Keyword IEquiv (-equiv [o other] false))
worth mentioning that this type of overriding is ignored when comparing constants when optimize-constants
is true, since =
will first check identical?
perhaps that means we can still safely perform this optimization when comparing a goog-define to a constant (which is the motivating use-case here)
(i.e. a goog-define is limited to a string/number/boolean, so comparison to a constant would have the same current behavior as =
due to the identical?
@shaunlebron it’s not ignored
hmm, if we have access to the goog-define constant at compile-time, we can still expand it to identical and ignore the dispatch case since we know they are equivalent
@shaunlebron yes, something less invasive like that is preferred
just special case goog-define
vars - you’ll have declared their values for :advanced
so we’ll know
k thanks, i’ll try patching