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Ingy döt Net14:08:17

I've looked at the snake classes and can see what I need to do... I'm trying to decide if it would be easier to 1. write something around clj-yaml (which already has everything put together nicely) 2. write something new around snakeyaml directly (referring to clj-yaml for direction as I go, of course)


May I suggest, just playing around with 2 first, use it privately for a couple of months, then learn the lessons how the API needs to be written to be used, and then we can move it to clj-yaml, if it turns out to be more generally useful? This way we don't have to commit to a new API that is not battle tested yet. Once we're committing to an API, we will never change, backward compatibility is rule nr 1 in clojure


Unless it's a very trivial thing of course

Ingy döt Net14:08:18

by number 1, I meant writing a new ingy/snakeyaml-parser package altogether, and just using clj-yaml as a dependency


that's always possible of course


I guess you could start that way and if clj-yaml gets in the way, you just inline whatever you need in your lib

Ingy döt Net14:08:29

but probably better to do number 2, just to get experience making new clojure packages (is package the right term here?)


we call it libraries

Ingy döt Net14:08:47

of course, sorry

Ingy döt Net14:08:15

my head's in too many rabbitholes atm


no worries, just take it one step at a time :)


Thing to consider is once you publish a library to clojars, Clojure folks will typically assume your API will never break.


You can always have "alpha" caveats in your description tho.

Ingy döt Net14:08:56

I doubt this library will get much usage by anyone but me, but good point


what people typically do is just have the library available on github, you can refer libraries via a SHA


there's no need to publish it to clojars, unless you want to serve leiningen users


or if you have compiled Java artifacts


but even that can be accomplished without publishing to clojars

Ingy döt Net14:08:21

I would like practice publishing to clojars for other reasons 🙂

Ingy döt Net14:08:23

I realized I had already published to clojars last summer (as a test and immediately forgot)

Ingy döt Net14:08:58

Funny thing, writing that pst tool is actually how I learned about Clojure at all!

Ingy döt Net14:08:19

I was just looking for 42 languages to support

Ingy döt Net14:08:05

I never did get all the way through publishing to maven central yet though. Remember that being a royal pain.

Ingy döt Net14:08:07

And full circle (yaml-wise) I started pst because I want to write a full-featured, common-api YAML framework in 42 languages... So I needed to learn how to publish stuff in 42 languages. And I figured if I did that, I should save anyone else the torture by making a packaging tool that did things the same way in 42 languages. 😄


Not sure if it is relevant to your pst effort, but a while ago I stumbled upon, but never looked into

Ingy döt Net15:08:16

Definitely looks worth exploring. pst wraps lein but can take advantage of anything better.

Ingy döt Net15:08:19

@U0479UCF48H have you seen jreleaser before? ^^


I have not. For deployment I have always used Leiningen

Ingy döt Net17:08:02

I struggled and failed to get stuff to maven central using lein (iirc) a year ago. If I can figure it out I'll wrap it into the pst flow.

Ingy döt Net18:08:17

I recall following a guide but giving up. I'll try again soon. Thanks.

Ingy döt Net14:08:12

I started a #C05KULJCC9G for general yaml conversation if anyone's interested...

Ingy döt Net15:08:53

lein new library snakeyaml-parser-events created a project.clj file but clj-yaml uses deps.edn which seems more standard around here. Is library not the best template? Or is lein not the best tooling for making new projects?


@ingy I recommend just starting with #C6QH853H8 which is the official tool whereas lein is a community project and doesn't let you use git or local deps as easy


I recommend reading their guides and references and if you're stuck ask for help in #C6QH853H8

Ingy döt Net15:08:06

I did realize that the topic is not specific to here, but all the context is here, so felt best to start here.

Ingy döt Net15:08:14

Thanks for the pointers.


sure no problem, but all the people who know most about #C6QH853H8 are in #C6QH853H8, that's why I suggested it

Ingy döt Net15:08:58

Appears there's no avoiding bb in this world. Installing now :face_with_cowboy_hat:


@ingy Here is a super short quickstart, to get something going: