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Nim Sadeh03:08:46

I am running into days of trouble getting started with Krell and React native. I am currently stuck trying to import components from a JavaScript file and getting that the output of the js/require statement is nil (which sometimes destroys my entire repl connection and I have to restart it). I verified that the path is correct - I am just trying to construct the setup of the Krell demo video which is unfortunately not accompanied by an example repo. Is there anyone who is available to help get this setup? It's been quite a nightmare frankly


Hi. I was trying to use Krell + Storybook as well but at some point I started from scratch in another repo to make Storybook + clojurescript (with shadow-cljs) work first and then go back to include Krell in that repo. I saw your previous comment and decided to push it to github and share the repo with you and maybe it can help you because I feel your pain too. This is the repo: and maybe we can get into a call and try to make it work together.

Nim Sadeh11:08:26

Amazing, thank you! I’ll give it a try this evening when I get back to my cljs work


It’s not well-documented in Krell, but the path is from the CLJS compilation working directory, not wherever in your source hierarchy you’re requiring that specific JS

Nim Sadeh18:08:59

Yea I was following that as well

Nim Sadeh18:08:39

Thanks for letting me know though, and for putting the repo together. I ended up with shadow and expo, got it to work faster

👍 2