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Matt Ielusic21:05:44

Hello! I’m working on adding the new clj-kondo hooks into a legacy codebase But I get mysterious warning: unused binding this lint problems on some (but not all!) of my defrules What might be cause of this?

Matt Ielusic03:05:38

That’s the PR that added the new hooks, right? I don’t understand the lint warnings they’re generating on my pre-existing codebase.


Oh. I misread I think. You are using the new hooks but getting warnings ? Maybe worth asking on the PR or associated issue to see if something is missing.

Jose Gomez03:05:07

@U0295UQ75FG I've indeed recently added support for linting clara-rules through clj-kondo hooks, I noticed the same thing this week with some of my own codebase and will be working on a fix for the linter. The initial goal was to add linter support which previously did not exist, it will improve over time.

thanks 2
🎉 2
Matt Ielusic17:05:35

Yeah, that solved all my lint warnings, thanks!

👍 4