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Does anyone know why I would only get eldoc signature hints in the REPL, and not a source buffer?
This is making it really difficult to learn Clojure 😞
couple things to check. 1) is the buffer connected to CIDER? can you evaluate code from it? 2) is eldoc-mode enabled there? might be that simple
if those don't pan out for you and you suspect that its something a bit deeper, you can use m-x toggle-nrepl-message-logging
(might be different command but it is similar)`, and look for the info
command going out in the *nrepl-messages-[project-name]*
there you can see what is going across the wire to your app which is responsible for answering the eldoc question
@borkdude Yeah, turns out there’s a small bug in reply
that needs to be fixed. An oversight of mine.
nice! 🙂 What's the motivation behind also having an Antora setup?
and funny that the domain is 😄
I guess we still wanted a standalone site, @dominicm came with Antora. I just assumed he picked something great. 😉
> and funny that the domain is 😄
That’s on @arrdem. 😄 He has the domain and I could never get him to update the DNS settings, so I just bought the cheapest domain I could for people not to have to type a long URL. 🙂
Thought about this a few times before but just logged this issue as well:
Hello guys 🙂 Does anyone experience very slow cursor move when trying to look into some namespace inside jar file? If yes do you know some kind of remedy for that?
@kwcharllie379 a profiler report would be very helpful to see what is going on
Memory report
CPU report
- command-execute 6223 61%
- call-interactively 6223 61%
- funcall-interactively 6223 61%
- counsel-M-x 6219 61%
+ ivy-read 6172 60%
+ counsel--M-x-externs 47 0%
- evil-next-line 2 0%
+ evil-line-move 2 0%
- evil-previous-line 2 0%
- evil-line-move 2 0%
+ previous-line 2 0%
- redisplay_internal (C function) 3675 36%
- eval 3658 35%
- spaceline-ml-all-the-icons 3655 35%
+ projectile-project-p 1851 18%
+ spaceline-all-the-icons--buffer-path 1763 17%
powerline-render 6 0%
+ powerline-raw 4 0%
+ run-hooks 3 0%
+ spaceline--get-face 3 0%
+ spaceline-all-the-icons--face-background 2 0%
+ spaceline-all-the-icons--flycheck-status 1 0%
+ spaceline-all-the-icons--highlight 1 0%
make-mode-line-mouse-map 1 0%
+ spacemacs//evil-state-face 1 0%
spaceline-all-the-icons--separator 1 0%
- linum-after-scroll 15 0%
+ linum-update 15 0%
+ #<compiled 0x4162d34f> 1 0%
+ cider-connected-p 1 0%
+ linum-update-current 140 1%
+ ... 84 0%
+ timer-event-handler 47 0%
+ evil-repeat-pre-hook 2 0%
+ winner-save-old-configurations 1 0%
sp--post-command-hook-handler 1 0%
Question is why in file from jar it is so slow compared to normal clj buffer
ok, I don’t see anything obvious, but it seems you’re using spacemacs? you may want to try the current develop branch, recently they merged my performance improvements which could address at least the high projectile-project-p
percentage in your report:
It is all because the evil-mode 😛
I think it is high time to stop using vim keybindings and switch to emacs one
@kwcharllie379 Is powerline calling like crazy projectile? I certainly didn’t expect to see something like this in the profiler.
Seems to me the modeline is being updated on every keypress, which is not a very good idea for something doing expensive computations.
I think I know what caused the issue. I was using spaceline-all-the icons theme 🙂 I removed it and now I’m using the regular spaceline and the issue is gone 🙂
@bozhidar I must say that I’m impressed how neat the cider code looks like 🙂 You can be very proud of yourself 🙂 Good job you did and doing all the time 🙂
@kwcharllie379 Thanks! I’m obsessed with neat code, but I have to admit that due to time limitations I’ve definitely didn’t do the best job possible with CIDER. Still, as far as Emacs packages go I think it’s in a pretty good shape. 🙂
Compared to other packages all tools you provide are in best standards possible IMHO. Love Cider, Projectile, super-save. 🙂
i'm going through a tutorial that is now introducing cljs. they use lein and "Rhino" but i'm trying to use cider instead. When I try cider-jack-in-cljs it asks me which repl but it tells me it doesn't recognize rhino
Also when I kill the repl and try to jack-in again to try and different spelling it won't restart the repl. it says "selecting deleted buffer". Any advice on how I should better approach this?
@chase-lambert Use nashorn
We’ve dropped support for Rhino, as it’s a big mess and it was pretty painful to support it.
aha! got it. yeah the book is Living Clojure and I think it came out in 2014 so that explains that. thank you! any advice on how to kill a repl and start a new one or just to restart the current repl? I usually just end up closing out emacs completely and trying again but i know that is not ideal
and i just remembered I can hit tab
and it gives me my autocompletion options which would have guided me a bit better!
@chase-lambert See (`C-c C-q` kills a REPL) and