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Not really, there's an open issue for that... but I still didn't find a way to make it work reliably (one of the problems is that Atom only start up the package when you issue a command, or you can make the package start together with Atom, which is not ideal because makes startup slower)
Can´t I create some atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'fabrao:start-repl', ->
and interact with Chlorine? Like starting the repl connection?
Yes, you can create a command on (or init.js). But then you'll have to run a Chlorine command - and that's not possible (yet?) because there's no way to run a command in a package that's no loaded. And the way to load Chlorine today is to run Connect Socket REPL
But, maybe there's a way. I just need to think a little bit on how to run this command and somehow pass a parameter to it
Tangentially related beginners question - why can’t I use Chlorine commands without being connected? Seems like go to definition and things could work... ? 🙂
Not really, @mattias504, all commands use the REPL in some way or the other
Go to definition, for example, gets the meta, pick up the filename / row from there, and sometimes searches the files on the java classpath to get the full filename + directory
I'm studying some syntax analysis to go with Chlorine. The hard part is that I'm aiming for a "no external dependencies" approach. I've tried to port clojure-lsp
to ClojureScript and use it internally, but it's quite hard. Tried other approaches like clindex
, but it also depends on the JVM. Both of these libraries can be slow (the first time they run) and memory-hungry, so by porting to ClojureScript will make it even slower 😞
(and it can also make Atom slow because JS runtime is single-threaded, so that's another problem too 😅)
@mattias504 Cursive (for IntelliJ) is the only Clojure editor that can do much without a REPL because it has a whole static analysis engine built-in -- but that's a lot of work since it has to duplicate a lot of what Clojure itself does to parse and figure out definitions etc. Clojure development is inherently REPL-driven so having a REPL should always be a given (I usually have two REPLs running -- one for my main work and one for "scratch" stuff such as helping beginners -- and my REPLs run for days, sometimes even weeks).
Thanks for the thoughtful explanations. I wanted to, but haven’t taken the time to dive into how the repl thing actually works behind the pretty slick scene 😀
I just start a REPL from the command-line, with an alias to start a Socket REPL. No magic. That could be just clj -A:test:socket
with the right alias (from my dot-clojure repo). Then connect Chlorine to localhost
/`50505` (the port is hardcoded in the alias in deps.edn
). Everything is just code evaluation from that point on.
Clojure's REPL has everything needed for loading/finding definitions, getting completions, etc. Some editor integrations just build some smarts over the top of that.
@seancorfield I created this
atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor', 'fabrao:run-selection', ->
editor = atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor()
caminhoArquivo = editor.getPath()
texto = editor.getLastSelection().getText()
projetos = atom.project.rootDirectories.filter (projeto) -> caminhoArquivo.indexOf(projeto.realPath) isnt -1
if projetos.length
comando_executar = '"cd ' + projetos[0].realPath + " ; " + texto
spawn("powershell.exe", ["-Command", comando_executar], {shell: true, detached: true})
alert("Clojure Project not found")
and bind it to F8
That's neat @fabrao!