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Two features that would be nice for the hover popups on functions: • Recognize ``` syntax for indicating code blocks in docstrings. • Show :test metadata. Shall I open issues for each?


Yes, sounds like issues to me. 😃


Oh. The first one was just a user error. Calva already handles code blocks in docstrings just fine if you don't forget the closing backticks. facepalm


Cool. I did wonder about that one because I have seen it working. 😃

Alexander Kouznetsov19:12:32

When I’m running tests in calva it is often not giving me enough failure info, for example, it is hiding most of the exception stacktraces. Is there a way to recover them?

Alexander Kouznetsov19:12:44

For example:

; ERROR in XXX/YYY-test (
; : Uncaught exception, not in assertion
; error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.Number (
; 1 tests finished, problems found. 😭 errors: 1, failures: 0, ns: 1, vars: 1

Alexander Kouznetsov19:12:55

One workaround that worked in the past, was to execute test like this: (clojure.test/test-var #'XXX/YYY-test) which is still working in nrepl, but doesn’t reliably work in calva repl window.


I have seen similar issues. I usually just run the test function though.


You can also probably evaluate *e to get the stack trace.


I was trying to reproduce this but it seems it's working.

🙌 2

I get a "Print Stacktrace" button which wasn't there before.

Alexander Kouznetsov20:02:40

I’m still seeing this. There is a “Print stacktrace” button sometimes but it often shows unrelated stacktraces. I’m not sure yet how to test it outside of my work environment or what in my work environment may be affecting this.

Alexander Kouznetsov20:02:44

*e usually evaluates to something unrelated as well

Alexander Kouznetsov20:02:22;cid=CBE668G4R Yes, running the test function often works but I’m not sure whether fixtures are taken into account for those.

Alexander Kouznetsov22:02:20

I just checked and it looks like test-var also doesn’t run fixtures..


Would you mind pasting the nrepl logs that occur when you see this issue? You can enable them with the command “Calva Diagnostics: Toggle nREPL Log Enabled”.


Since I updated VS Code to 1.74 (and now 1.74.1), the Explorer doesn't seem to be showing annotations from git or Calva/LSP/clj-kondo, and when pressing ctrl+shift+e when focus is in an editor doesn't always seem to open Explorer with the tree expanded to that file. Is anyone else having problems with 1.74.x?


I'm still on 1.73. I should get with times!


Heh, maybe stay on 1.73 until they fix these bugs? I suspect it's a VS Code/Explorer bug since it affects the git behavior as well as LSP...


Too late 😃 . I still see both kinds of annotations.


It seems a bit intermittent for me. I just added a new folder and files (outside VS Code) and they're not showing as green/untracked in the Explorer, and only files that I've opened are showing the LSP annotations in Explorer -- everything else is plain white, even tho' I know there are lots of warnings...


I see that there is some changes for the Explorer regarding autoreveal. By the description it shouldn't cause these effects, but probably regression anyway.


Yeah, I saw that too -- and hoped that 1.74.1 would include fixes for it... but it seems not... but, boy, they sure fixed a lot of bugs in that .1 release!


You can use Insiders to do a sanity check before upgrading. Though, intermittent stuff is intermittent, so it only takes you so far.

Alexander Kouznetsov20:02:40

I’m still seeing this. There is a “Print stacktrace” button sometimes but it often shows unrelated stacktraces. I’m not sure yet how to test it outside of my work environment or what in my work environment may be affecting this.