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On 227 with parinfer and strict mode on. I cannot seem to make a defrecord for the life of me


I can’t fully follow what happens (or not) in the GIF. But anyway, are you saying it works with strict mode off?


i can do the same flow with my onscreen keyboard visible. in hindsight that would have made more sense


Please also describe in words where things do not go as expected.


when i try to add a new protocol method it auto indents the protocol name and existing methods into the field declarations


Is there a VS Code spellchecker that works with Calva? I tried Code Spell Checker but it doesn’t seem to work (I’m new to VS Code though)


Doh! Clojure wasn’t enabled in the preferences. Just click on Clojure in the spell check preferences and it works

metal 1

There’s a parinfer take 3 PR now. FYI. Here’s the latest VSIX. It’s like Calva v2.0.227 with a 229 changes and with a change of autoindent that might fix, Can you test it, @brandon.ringe?


Just installed it. Will do my work with it.


Just noticed this red rectangle in the output window when I jacked in to a shadow project.


Oh, notice the off coloring of “evaluate” too


When I try to create a new line after a function arg vector in this example code, the cursor goes all the way to the left:

(ns honestdeed.test)

(defn hello []
Then when I hit tab I get a warning: command 'calva-fmt.formatCurrentForm' not found .


Also, backspace stops working


I’ll install the latest release again so I can work, but hopefully that gives you some clues for where to look for the issues.


These settings are at the bottom of my user settings file and may have been added by this vsix version (though I’m not sure):

"[clojure]": {
        "editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
        "editor.autoClosingOvertype": "always",
        "editor.formatOnPaste": true


As a sanity check, I'm on 228 and my settings has these:

"[clojure]": {

        "editor.wordSeparators": "\t ()\"':,;~@#$%^&{}[]`",
        "editor.autoClosingBrackets": "always",
        "editor.autoClosingQuotes": "always",
        "editor.formatOnType": true,
        "editor.autoIndent": "advanced",
        "editor.formatOnPaste": true,
        "editor.matchBrackets": "near",
        "files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
        "files.trimFinalNewlines": true,
        "editor.autoClosingOvertype": "always"

🙏 1

Thanks! It was those red rectangles that got me to revert 227, so it is kinda good that you have it, @brandon.ringe. I already feel we are closer to solve the problem, even if right now I am a bit too tired to make any sense out of anything.

👍 1

Checking. In that shadow project, @brandon.ringe, was the output window in CRLF mode?


I can reproduce it that way….


I have good news and bad news. The good news: I reinstalled the vsix on (I’m pretty sure) the same project and I’m not having any of the issues mentioned above now. The bad news: I don’t know what happened before, so there could be some issue lurking that will pop up later.


And as for CRLF, I’m pretty sure it was LF, since I’m on MacOS and didn’t change it, but I suppose I can’t be certain. I don’t know what would have caused the file to be in CRLF mode, though.


@U0ETXRFEW Do you have a PR in progress for this where I can easily take the latest build from, like last time?


Yes, I hesitated to promote it because I have not added any description to it yet, but here it is:

👍 1