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Good morning! If I want to setup a clojure beginner with Calva, should I use the released 1 version or would starting with version 2 make more sense? I’m only looking for basic stuff, connecting to an existing repl, evaluating forms and seeing the results on a separate pane.
version 1 forces you to deal with ~/.lein/profiles.clj, and when you do the switch to version 2, you will (after some time) have to remember to nuke the calva-related stuff there.
Also, I’m sure @pez (and the channel) would like to hear about any hiccups you encounter along the way 🙂
I should include that in the dir. Anyway. In vscode, open the extensions pane and use the meatballs menu to ”install from VSIX”.
OK, you have to restart vs code after installation. I expected a prompt about it from VS Code 🙂
I have a nREPL session all started and waiting from my terminal (it’s the one I use to connect from Cider). Can’t seem to make Calva connect to it. I pass the correct port and everything, and I saw that i tried to do something (load mr anderson etc) but then it fails.
Hooking up nREPL sessions...
Connected session: clj
Failed connecting. (Calva needs a REPL started before it can connect.)
I’m not sure why I’m asked about CLJS in the beginning. I only want a plain CLJ repl for now.
When you're back, @orestis, can you post a screenshot on when you are asked about CLJS in the beginning?
I've uploaded a new alpha-build, @orestis. Shouldn't make a difference for your connect case. But I'd love it if you wanted to try jack-in instead.
Can you share some details about the machinery? I'm very curious about the boundaries of jack-in.
Oh, it starts an http server, kicks-off a shadow build, does things in the background, and incidentally also starts nREPL and Socket REPL. So it’s our code that drives the process. Can’t really emulate that with any kind of jack-in. I’ve actually found jack-in to be more trouble than it’s worth, even for beginners.
While, of course, fixing whatever I broke with connect, when fixing that jack-in process...
I'd appreciate an issue about connect so that I know what to do when I have some Calva time.
Cool. I think there should be some basic support for helping people get the Calva dependencies right, but will have to ponder it some. Shadow sort of is that basic support, of course.
@orestis there is an output channel ”Calva Connection Log” that is supposed to collect some of this, but it seldom contains anything interesting. I'm doing something wrong there. But the description of the problem you provided earlier today is enough for now. And that was two issues: 1) The connection fails. 2) Why does it ask about CLJS stuff first thing?
oh nevermind found the problem, had some old dependencies in profile.clj and project.clj
@slack1038: You should be using piggieback 0.4.1, which contains an important bug fix. If you want to collect some Karma, please update the wiki. ❤️
also with the current calva snapshot i cant connect to the repl, it says failed to connect no other errors
Sounds similar to what @orestis reported. Can you give us some details about your project? Also, tried jack-in? Or was that what failed?