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if I have a task workflow adorned by watch
, is it possible to run something when that watch gets killed? i.e. When user presses Ctrl-C I want to run a sh command...
@ag returning identity would cause this problem. With pass thru is the correct solution
If I'm wanting to use boot.lein/generate
so I can use Cursive in IntelliJ ( ) is there any way I can make that run automatically before any other boot command without adding stuff to build.boot
I've got a load of shared boot jobs and I don't really want to add the library to all of them when I'm the only Cursive user, but when I tried putting the calls into my profile.boot
it of course loaded and ran than before build.boot
, so I didn't have any of my libs in the generated project.clj
So what do I need to put in there so that it runs those commands after loading the project-specific build.boot
and thus has the right libs reference?
Normally I just run whatever command I need for the project directory containing the build.boot
file. So boot test
on the command line or whatever
add this to profile.boot:
(set-env! :dependencies '[[onetom/boot-lein-generate "0.1.3" :scope "test"]])
(require 'boot.lein)
Then you can do: boot boot.lein/generate test
insteadException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/stuartsierra/component/Lifecycle
#!/usr/bin/env boot
:source-paths #{"src" "dev"}
:resource-paths #{"resources"}
:dependencies '[[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
[com.stuartsierra/component "0.3.2"]
[liberator "0.14.1"]
[yada "1.2.6"]
;; [onetom/boot-lein-generate "0.1.3" :scope "test"]
[org.clojure/tools.namespace "0.2.11"]
[org.clojure/core.async "0.3.443"]
;; (require 'labs-server.core)
;; (require 'boot.lein)
pom {:project 'labs-server
:version "0.1.0"}
aot {:namespace #{'labs-server.core}}
jar {:main 'labs-server.core
:file "labs-server.jar"}
target {:dir #{"target"}})
(deftask build
"Build uberjar"
(deftask labs
"Run this server locally and reload file changes"
[p port VAL int "Set the repl port"]
(require 'labs-server.core)
(let [run-server (resolve 'labs-server.core/-main)] (run-server))
(repl :port (or port 9999)))
I’ve done some googling and tried putting :gen-class in each file that uses component
setting the aot :namespace manually to include component too.. it’s quite confusing to be honest!
mikepjb how are you running the uberjar?
@mikepjb you need to make sure that you're requiring com.stuartsierra.component before the :import runs
can you share a redacted version of the file where the exception is coming from?