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@moxaj might make sense to use something like or or ProcessBuilder directly
@alandipert thanks i'll take a look
@micha I was finally able to give a shot to my idea of declarative declaration of tasks:
Any opinion is more than welcome, there is a custom macro behind of course 馃檪
One thing is that defedntask
does not declare parameters for now
but everything is data, which makes everything really flexible
the macro require the namespaces, resolves vars and composes the tasks
Can the pom
task generate poms for maven plugins? I see an issue already, it does not have a parent
Uhm, working on the task above I wanted to add an option:
a parent SYM:VER=PATH [sym str str]
but it throws a: 745
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 617
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker 1142 266
clojure.core/binding-conveyor-fn/fn core.clj: 2020
boot.core/boot/fn core.clj: 1030
boot.core/construct-tasks core.clj: 986
... cli.clj: 500 cli.clj: 350
clojure.core/reduce core.clj: 6703
... cli.clj: 347
boot.cli/assoc-fn/fn cli.clj: 79
boot.cli/parse-type cli.clj: 62
clojure.core/symbol core.clj: 579
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to java.lang.String
clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: clojure.lang.PersistentVector cannot be cast to java.lang.String
when using the (uber :as-jars true) task, how do I tell it to put jars in WEB-INF/lib/ while the classes in WEB-INF/classes ? right now, it's putting my *.jar files in WEB-INF/classes/ ... which I believe is causing problems
Boot-reload seems to have separate Slack webhook, I disabled that one now
@mobileink : I could not imagine missing out on the fun of working things out from scratch
@mobileink: I do have to give you props for one thing: the way you're using uber :as-jars + moving to lib/ results in FAR FAR FAR fewer class files than anything I've done in the past, and as a result, has resulted in FAR FAR FAR faster update .
ah, the creds there go to the boot devs, who seem to have thought about nearly everything, one way or another.
something else I'm trying at the moment is only having clojure, javax.servlet, and as dependencies (so no ring, no compojure) and seeing how far this works
in theory it should be enough since: (1) all static files are handled by web.xml servlet, and (2) for all "REST" ish apis, I really only need one endpoint and have the request query encode everything
sure, you can get along fine w/out ring, etc., as long as you don't mind implementing the nitty-gritty stuff like dealing directly with the native request/response apis.
if we throw out all of routing, all I need are just /static -- web.xml handles it, serves static stuff /api -- takes EDN as input, produces EDN as output
yeah, if you do not need routing in your app there's no point in using a routing lib. just put defn -service or defn -doGet or whatever in your clojure delegate ns.
you'll have to use java interop in your handler, but that's easy. once it's debugged you can aot the whole thing to get a little more speed.
a demo showing this in boot-gae-examples is on my backlist, maybe you'll contrib one? 馃槈
we should probably move this to a different channel, like #web or #google-cloud . i don't know how to do this automagically.
in any case, if your processing is simple enough you might be better off dropping clojure altogether in your backend app, just use java.
hrm, boot-cljs-test
is adding a 2nd CLJS to my dependencies which causes warnings like:
Classpath conflict: org.clojure/google-closure-library version 0.0-20160609-f42b4a24 already loaded, ALSO loading version 0.0-20151016-61277aea
Classpath conflict: org.clojure/clojurescript version 1.9.456 already loaded, ALSO loading version 1.7.228
Classpath conflict: org.clojure/google-closure-library-third-party version 0.0-20160609-f42b4a24 already loaded, ALSO loading version 0.0-20151016-61277aea
Classpath conflict: org.clojure/tools.reader version 1.0.0-beta3 already loaded, ALSO loading version 1.0.0-alpha1
any idea to prevent it from injecting a second dep?
@anmonteiro I would check if boot show -d
shows the one that it is including it and then use :exclusions
@anmonteiro Are you using version 0.3.0
I think it should only add deps if you don't already have them
I'm using 0.3.0
but I definitely have the deps
It should also log a message when it is adding new deps
Adding: ([org.clojure/clojurescript "1.7.228"] [doo "0.1.7"]) to :dependencies
but I have ClojureScript 1.4.456 馃檪
That is strange, it should be checking current deps and not add deps that already exist
Are you dynamically adding deps in some tasks or something?
I don't believe so
that Adding
clause, I have never seen it anywhere...looks like tasks are injecting something (maybe)
And filter deps should remove already loaded deps:
@juhoteperi the problem is that u/filter-deps
is checking for the exact version to be loaded
but maybe I'm misunderstanding, I don't know how pod/dependency-loaded?
OK turns out this may be a bug in Boot
found the problem
Version shouldn't matter:
this is how I'm including CLJS:
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.9.456" :classifier "aot"]
if I remove the "aot" classifier, everything works as expected
maybe the comparison is by vector and it should be by symbol only ?
Probably dependency-loaded?
breaks because the pom file is in different path
returns nil
with AOTed CLJS
aoted jar doesn't contain at all
Also, with aoted clojurescript, some packages are trying to load cljs 0.0-3165...
that's probably Doo
No, it is before I even gets to boot-cljs-test
It is piggieback
How do the classifiers work? Looks like the dependency with classifier doesn't replace normal one currently
Perhaps a bug in Boot?
edge case that didn't come up until now? 馃檪
but boot probably just forwards to aether
Is the aot dependency supposed to be used alone or together with the normal dep?
yeah, definitely alone
after 5 exclusions I managed to get normal version exlucded
and reproduced the problem
right. this project has a bunch of exclusions
is at least broken, and there is also something strange going on with normal version getting included even if there is aot version
Well, it is same with Lein, if I depend on aoted cljs, Reagent will bring on transitive dependency on normal dep
So I guess that is how Aether/maven is supposed to work
I think in java side they are often used for additional parts, and don't replace the main dependency, like sources or javadoc
in boot, is it possible for one "watch" to trigger two different compiles? I want to say: if this src directory cahnges, compile (:optimizations :none :source-map true) to THIS DIR compile (:optimizations :advanced :source-map false) to OTHER DIR
@juhoteperi Maven rules are weird indeed
I have this bookmarked for checking every now and then 馃槃
> NOTE: In two of these dependency references, we had to specify the <type/> element. This is because the minimal set of information for matching a dependency reference against a dependencyManagement section is actually {groupId, artifactId, type, classifier}. In many cases, these dependencies will refer to jar artifacts with no classifier. This allows us to shorthand the identity set to {groupId, artifactId}, since the default for the type field is jar, and the default classifier is null.
so classifier is actually part of the resolution process and I would not be surprised it took precedence when specified
@anmonteiro I think it is safe to depend on both normal and aot dependency
@qqq try to explore boot watch -h
You'll get the sources from both dependencies, but Clojure will anyway first use compiled classes
ah interesting
Aot contains all the same files as normal jar AND java classes
trying that now
@richiardiandrea : does that provide more info than (doc watch)? as (doc watch) only gives me options :help :quiet :verbose :manual :debounce :include :ezclude
@qqq You could use multiple cljs tasks or one cljs task with multiple .cljs.edn
@qqq no more info than that, I would play with include
, exclude
and the compile tasks, but I have never tried myself
(1) I know how ot setup the unoptimized compile (2) I know how to setup the optimized compile (3) I can solve this via two boot sessions
@juhoteperi that definitely works, but still feels like a hack
thanks! 馃檪
my issue is: "is there some "parallel task" which taks two tasks ad makes one task out of it
@qqq Boot-cljs supports parallel compilation of multiple cljs.edn files
since the purpose of tasks is generally to manipulate the classpath, and the classpath is generally related to the filesystem, and the filesystem is globally shared
boot-cljs can do that because each cljs application is compiling files that will go in different places
@micha: two different questions then: (1) should I just acept one boot one task, and avoid trying to "parallel" stuff in a single boot? (2) if I want to gen a optimized and unoptimized version -- do I run two separate boots, or do I use something else?
if you make an optimized version that one will always take way longer than the unoptimized version i'm sure
for dev, I want the unoptimized version; occasionally I want to test on the optimized version too, without having to wait for a boot jvm startup
@anmonteiro I wonder if Cljs is using classifiers like they are supposed to be used
I don't think dependency-loaded?
can changed to take classified dependency into account
okay, so you're saying "just fire up a new boot every time you need an optimized version" because the optimized compile process is so slow
@juhoteperi I think ClojureScript is using classifiers as they are meant, but I could be wrong. The problem with dependency-loaded?
is that the AOTed artifact doesn't have a properties.xml or whatever
With Java libraries, they often have classifiers javadoc and sources, but those jars only contain docs or sources, so the normal dependency is also required
CLJS AOT doesn't seem to have .clj
files, only cljs
@qqq i do all my development stuff without optimizations, and then test that optimizations don't break anything (like i forgot to include externs, whatever) before deploying to the staging environment
If it was enough for dependency-loaded? that there was any dependency with the id, adding only javadoc dependency would say that dependency is already provided though there are no classes
that makes sense
Based on my understanding, it seems to be reasonable to add normal dependency in addition to aoted one. Then one doesn't need exclude normal one from all the other deps that have transitive dependency on that.
Also, cold cljs compiles times seem about the same for me with normal and aoted cljs 馃槥
@juhoteperi right, AOT is not about making compile times better
it's about loading speed of Clojure namespaces
it would make e.g. entering a REPL faster
Yeah, but is should make loading Cljs namespaces faster which should make build faster
not by a significant margin I would say
So what is the usecase?
@juhoteperi I think ClojureScript started having AOTed artifacts when David was messing with REPL startup
is it just me, or are maven scopes insane? e.g. :scope "compile" does not mean scope is :compile, it means scope is :all. even worse, maven scopes conflate (classpath) scope and transitivity, and the official docs fail to say explicitly how scopes work in most cases. and even worster, they make no distinction between dev, test, and prod execution environments.
maven doesn't have dev test or prod environments
But yeah, they feel quite lacking as they are hardcoded and the names don't describe their uses very clearly
but in at least some cases we have limited control over execution envs (i'm looking at you, gae), so what is "provided" in prod may not be provided in dev.
I don't think solution to this can be tied to one build tool
maven was very successful and the dependency package stuff has been coopted in various ways
in clojure we use the maven repos without actually using maven (aether, the dependency resolution library was factored out)
@juhoteperi i would not even try to solve it everywhere, just thinking about boot. e.g. instead of :scope "compile", sth like :scope [:compile :test :runtime]
"provided" can be used in libraries to depend on clojure core non transitively
@juhoteperi yeah i have experimented with that
because when you declare a dependency as "provided" it doesn't show up in the dependency tree
Hmm, interesting
so my final thoughts we that if there is a contentious dependency, like org.clojure/clojure, that every library depends on, or the cljs compiler, etc
in that case the only sane thing is for the user to specify a version in their :dependencies
right but my bitch (let's be honest) is that a) the names are all wrong, and b) there's a big diif. between scope and transitivity. imho it would be better to make it all explict.
at least the user can use boot show -p
for example to help decide which version might be the best
Well, we could probably provide something like Lein profiles to better control what dependencies use in what cases
But for the transitivity stuff, we can do nothing because that is implemented in aether
@mobileink the scope stuff is a maven thing, part of the POM spec
well, the issue i'm getting at is not just dependencies. it's more like dependency dependencies. ;)
also it's good to use the POM as correctly as possible because a maven user might want to use your clojure library
@micha: understood, my point is that does not impose requirements on the boot "api", so to speak.
@mobileink there is a thing called apache ivy, which might be interesting to look at
i haven't really used it, but i remember looking at it -- it has a more programmable resolution framework
maven says "provided". which is opaque if not inane. nothing stops us fron supporting sth less nutty, and translating it into maven-speak.
the problem the tomcat guys had was that they needed to support hotloading jars into a running application
nowadays we can deploy an uberjar to an EC2 (or GAE) instance and don't need to worry about application containers
yeah, but what "provided" means is not what it says. "compile" is even worse. imho we should be explicit: "provided: means on the compile and test classpaths, intransitive, that's all. so why not ":scope [:compile :test] :transitivity false"?
@micha: imho that would be a problem, because boot does support :scope in depencencies.
but it works fine because the only things you care about when you consume a library in boot is whether a dependency is transitive or not
it sounds to me like there is a bit of a clash between boot and the underlying techs it uses.
like when you add a java dependency to your :dependencies, you don't need to ponder the meaning of scopes for it to work
when you're making your own library thta will be used in your own or other people's projects as a :dependency, you need to make a POM and put your library in a repo
and i personally believe that we only need to care about two of them: "compile" and "test"
but i think if you're using boot to make libraries that you want to put in a maven repo you only need to know two scopes: "compile" and "test"
like the one at insane. 馃槩
"compile" (or no scope, it's the default) is for dependencies your library needs to function correctly when its used in someone else's project
"test" is for dependencies your library has in development, that the consumer of your library will not need when they use it
that would be "compile" scope because if someone uses your library and they don't bring in that transitive dependency there will be a ClassNotFoundException
in that case you'd use [adzerk/boot-cljs "4.5.6" :scope "test"]
, because when someone uses your library they won't have any use for that boot task
I think in those cases you would remove the dependencies when building the jar for the environment
so, i have a local dev/test env., and for that i need to include some jars that are already there in the (cloud) runtime.
Yes, Google App Engine is similar to tomcat and such
But yeah, scopes are not required in this case, it is your application packaging that must make the decisions which libraries to include in the package
Though for this be easy, uber should probably allow blacklisting dependencies per artifact-id or something
@juhoteperi : ?? i list stuff in :dependencies, with :scope. am i missing sth.?
if you make a library that needs [cheshire "1.2.3"]
and you put that in a repo for people to use, you can't make it :scope "provided"
if you're loading jars into a classpath that already has stuff in it, there could be anything in there
if GAE already has dependencies on the classpath when it loads your code, you need to exclude those
i csn write a service that will not be listed as a jar dep anywhere, but my app will depend on it. ok i'm splitting hairs, but i think theres sth there there.
you wouldn't want to put your application POM in a maven repo probably because it would be broken if someone tried to use it outside of GAE
agreed, but there is no such thing as a mere dependency. they are always scoped. scoping is an essential property of a dependency, even if only implicitly.
anyway, what i'm getting at is that you don't need scopes when you're making an application
just make a POM that has the dependencies you need and not the ones that are already provided
but don't do that with libraries you have in maven or it will break when used outside of GAE
ok, we must be talking past each other. scopes do make a difference. i don't want mt test jars in prod so i give them :scope " test".
i think i'm not getting my pt across. when developing a gae service, i need some stuff locally that i do not need in prod. not just my lical testing stuff, but stuff that is provided by prod gae but not dev gae. like the servlet api. i need that for compile and dev runtime but not prod runtime (i think).
of course i can hardcode everything, but my originsl pt was more general: maven scopes are bonkers, and boot currently imports the craziness, but it doesn't have to.
that is, provided you don't mess about with anything but "compile" and "test" in your build.boot
and one common misconception about scopes is that they don't do anything to dependencies you specify that are not transitive
i mean that's the real deal, the misconception is that they do things to dependencies that are not transitive
no matter what scope you use in your build.boot, that dependency will be loaded into the classpath
like (set-env! '[cheshire "RELEASE" :scope "test"])
is the same as (set-env! '[cheshire "RELEASE" :scope "provided"])
where there is a difference is if you use that to make a POM that you put in a maven repo