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Colin (fosskers)08:07:00

Hi there, I'd like to add portal as a dependency, but only when I'm doing local development. I wouldn't need it in the production bundle. Some languages have the notion of "dev dependencies". Does Clojure? Is there a straight-forward way to get all this to play nicely with Cider too?


Are you using deps or lein?


Not familiar with deps sry.


@U058DHAN3UP yes there is! As described in that link you can do it like this in your deps.edn :

{:paths ["src"]
 :deps {... your prod deps ...}
 :aliases {:dev {:extra-deps {djblue/portal {:mvn/version "0.42.1"}}
                 :extra-paths ["dev-src"]}}} 
Then when starting a repl you can choose what aliases to include like clj -A:dev Now for Cider you can customize what aliases get started when you jack-in by customizing the cider-clojure-cli-aliases var. If you want to have different aliases started for different projects you can create a .dir-locals.el file on your project root folder with a content like this :
((clojure-mode . ((cider-clojure-cli-aliases . "dev:dev-tools:testing-tools"))))
So when you jack in it will start a repl with those 3 aliases enable

Colin (fosskers)11:07:48

Alright nice! That sound do it, thank you

Colin (fosskers)02:07:56

It worked, thanks again!

Colin (fosskers)10:07:17

What's the go-to way to produce reasonable log messages to stdout? I don't need any sort of rocket surgery solution, just some timestamps, level labels, and the main message printed to the terminal.


Logging is one of those "this should be obvious" issues (like unicode, datetime, etc.) that has more tradeoffs and edge-cases the further your dig. If you have no other requirements than what you posted, I would recommend either: 1. More opinionated and "all or nothing" solution - 2. Less opinionated and "lego bricks" solution - in your own code + you need to configure a backend (e.g. via if you don't want to dig too deep into JVM logging)

Colin (fosskers)11:07:38

Thanks I'll look into those

Colin (fosskers)03:07:12

timbre did the trick, thank you! "Just works"!

👍 2
Nathan Nolk14:07:35

Hi all, I tried writing a function that rounds a number (in my context, a Double) to the second decimal place but I can't seem to get it to work. I first simply used with-precision 2 number but it clearly didn't work, so I tried the code below but it isn't working either (it just returns number). Any idea what the problem is?


(defn round-2
  "Rounds to 2 decimal places for the average length"
  (with-precision 2 (/ (bigdec number) 1)))


with-precision works with BigDecimal operations. But because your first argument for / not necessarily BigDecimal it might not apply

Nathan Nolk14:07:06

Is there a way to circumvent this or to "cast" my double as a bigdecimal?


look at my example: there is a call (bigdec number)

Nathan Nolk14:07:54

Ah thank you, I will implement this!


(with-precision 2 (* 1M number)) but precision for BigDecimal is about the number of significant numbers so it's not what you're looking for (and also a bit convoluted) (e.g. the "fixed" version of round-2: (round-2 111) => 110

Nathan Nolk14:07:14

Ah, yeah that sounds wrong, what I want is something that takes in (say) 23.54214 and returns 23.54


it might not be the optimal way but: (double (.setScale (BigDecimal. number) 2 java.math.RoundingMode/HALF_UP)) or simply multiply for 100, cast to int, and divide by 100 again ?

Nathan Nolk14:07:48

oh I guess that second part might work I guess

Nathan Nolk14:07:08

Okay that works, thank you!


significant numbers => I meant significant digits

Nathan Nolk14:07:35

I went with the multiply cast divide method, it's fine for my purpose since the numbers I'm looking at are all smaller than 50


If it's just for viewing, you can use DecimalFormat


Is there any way to get Clojure's destructure syntax to cooperate with multiple cases? As in, I would like to write a function like:

(defn foo
  ([{a :left}]
   [:left a])
  ([{a :right}]
   [:right a]))

(println (foo {:left 4})) ; => [:left 4]]


you can use clojure.core.match but inside of a single arity.


Okay, thanks.


Oh intersting, I didn't realize core.match is supposed to be require as clojure.core.match, very strange.


(As opposed to other core things, like core.string.


(defn foo [x]
  (match/match x
    {:left a}  [:left a]
    {:right a} [:right a]))

(foo {:left 1})


Yup, thanks.


it’s just it’s namespace. clojure.string, clojure.core.match . It’s not a “supposed”, just the namespaces they have


makes sense.


one thing. check the macroexpansion. the match library handles lots of stuff. but it might be overkill and slower than you need for this

(macroexpand '(match/match x
                {:left a}  [:left a]
                {:right a} [:right a]))


Oh sure.


That's not the actual pattern I need, its deeper tree patterns.


Basically converting this code to ClojureScript:

(define/match (balance t)
  [(or (tree z 'black (tree y 'red (tree x 'red A B) C) D)
       (tree z 'black (tree x 'red A (tree y 'red B C)) D)
       (tree x 'black A (tree z 'red (tree y 'red B C) D))
       (tree x 'black A (tree y 'red B (tree z 'red C D))))
   (tree y 'red (tree x 'black A B) (tree z 'black C D))]
  [else t])


sketch=> (do
           (let [iters 4000]
             (println "using match")
             (time (dotimes [_ iters] (using-match {:left 1})))
             (println "handrolled")
             (time (dotimes [_ iters] (hand-rolled {:left 1}))))
           (foo {:left 1}))
using match
"Elapsed time: 1254.320042 msecs"
"Elapsed time: 1.396541 msecs"
[:left 1]


Is that time including the time it takes to do macro expansion?


Hmm...although it doesn't look like match has or. Oh well. 😞


But (understandably) Clojure complains that both patterns have an arity of 1.


(Right now the best idea I have is to switch to core.match.


Posted in #CLDK6MFMK as well Hi Folks, I’m using reitit and malli, and I’m trying to validate/coerce a response from the DB. I’ve tried with malli.core/schema and malli.experimental.lite/schema using something like

    [:key1 :int]
    [:key2 :double]])
and also
  {:key1 int?
   :key2 double?})
From the DB I’m getting java.lang.Long and java.lang.Double but I’m getting a 500 error with this
{:type "reitit.coercion/response-coercion",
 :coercion "malli",
 :in ["response" "body"],
 :humanized {:key1 ["should be an int"],
             :key2 ["should be a double"]}
I don’t want to parse anything. I just need to check the types from the DB and even when I’m clearly getting something like 38 or 7.99 I can’t pass the coerce response. Any hints on how to solve this?


my first idea would be that whatever the db returns doesn't use keyword keys


The DB returns EDN