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What the best way design clj fn that eliminates state ( like config\db connection etc)
• IO boundaries with pure functions underneath • binding dynamic vars • Closures over db connections
Binding lets you bind a dynamic variable. It’s technically still stateful but it’s convenience for things like db connections/configs for examples
Closures over connections is probably not for this, but it’s passing down an initialised function/class down the stack for usage as an argument
(let-fn [db (init-db {:connstring "asdf"})]
(do-things-with-db db))
Hi! How can I make these functions prettier?
(defn add-days
;; Adds number of days to the js date object.
;; Months will roll over ( )
[date days]
(let [copy (js/Date. (js/Number date))]
(. copy setDate (+ (. copy getDate) days))
(defn today []
(let [now (js/Date.)]
(. now setHours 0 0 0 0)
Thanks! I think it looks better now, but probably there's a room for improvement still..
(defn today []
(doto (js/Date.) (. setHours 0 0 0 0)))
(defn add-days
;; Adds number of days to the js date object.
;; Months will roll over ( )
[date days]
(let [copy (js/Date. (js/Number date))
val (+ days (. copy getDate))]
(doto copy (. setDate val))))
Thank you!
Hi, someone can help me? I have this object
#object[Transit$TaggedValue [TaggedValue: f, 100.0]]
And I want to convert to number 100.0
I don't know how do it.
in the frontend it shows [TaggedValue: f, 100.0]you can use this methods
hey, for simple XML creation/parsing, what is the differences between clojure.xml and, I see data.xml has more features, why having both libs?
clojure.xml is a very old stab from early in the Clojure language and should be considered deprecated at this point
hi Alex, how would you traverse such structure? (data.xml.Element), I'd like some easy traversal like in, basically to parse an XML input
you can use has some helpers even
so basically why would I need the data.xml, if I anyway move my data-structure to a zipper? why not just load directly to zipper or build a zipper? I mean, instead of String->data.xml->zipper and opposite why not just String->zipper, without using data.xml,
what is the usage of data.xml that I don't have with, thanks!
we have not removed it so as not to break any existing code (have not yet gotten around to marking it deprecated but we will)
so, use
Is there a way to dynamically start/stop and add/remove components using Stuart Sierra component library? All examples i've seen are pretty static
if you hold the component system in a var, you can stop it (or stop parts of it) whenever
thanks alex!
@dobbey.have.socks It's complicated in general because start
/ stop
return a new instance of the component so you would have to rebuild the entire system. Adding and components dynamically is possible (before you start the system -- for the same reason as stated): you just assoc
them in, but again that returns a new instance of the system.
(there's a #component channel if you want to dig deeper)
Quick question, I found a filter function online that helps me filter my xml-seq into the correct filter, however don’t know how it ‘works’
(def navPoints
(->> document
(filter (comp #{:navPoint} :tag))))
In my understanding, this would mean (from Clojure book):
((comp f1 f2 f3) x) is equivalent to (f1 (f2 (f3 x)))
but then when i ‘decomp’ this, i can’t seem to make it work:
(filter #({:navPoint (:tag %)}))
What am I missing?using map I can recreate what I am looking for after some struggling:
(map #{:navPoint} (map :tag a))
but don’t understand why without #{} won’t work:
(map :navPoint (map :tag a))
it will return: (nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)The filter is using #{:navPoint}
as a predicate, which is something you can do with sets that's pretty cool.
(#{:foo :bar} :foo)
=> :foo
(#{:foo :bar} :foo2)
=> nil
So (map #{:navPoint} [:wayPoint :navPoint :someOtherPoint])
will apply the #{:navPoint}
test to each of the three keywords in the vector, and will return (nil :navPoint nil)
In other words, a set is a set, but in Clojure it also works like a function that takes one argument. If the argument is an element in the set, return it, otherwise return nil.
It's a bit of syntactic sugar because it supports a very useful idiom.
do you also happen to know the ‘decomp’ of this for my understanding:
(filter (comp #{:navPoint} :tag))
i know that just doing
(filter :tag)
works by filtering on only parts of the xml that have the :tag(comp #{:x} :a)
returns :x for {:a :x} and nil for anything that doesn't have that k/v pair
(fn [el] (#{:a} (:x el)))
or (fn [el] (let [x (:x el)] (get #{:a} x))
i can confirm this works:
(def navPoints
(->> document
; (filter (comp #{:navPoint} :tag))))
(filter (fn [el] (#{:navLabel} (:tag el))))))
and that this will also work:
(def navPoints
(->> document
; (filter (comp #{:navPoint} :tag))))
(filter #((#{:navLabel} (:tag %))))))
yeah - some people like "point free" style (which is the term to google if you want to know more about why people use comp / partial / apply / juxt etc. so much)
the argument being that not having to give names to intermediate things clarifies the code (which is true unless you have never written point free code)
i really want to learn Clojure but seem to get hung up on what should be trivial things like parsing a Json or Xml
as a social signifier, point free sometimes says "I need to write code but would rather be doing math" haha
but in all seriousness, its elegant once you learn it, and totally mind bending before that
but in all seriousness, its elegant once you learn it, and totally mind bending before that
yeah that is exactly my problem 😅(and the convention of using hash-maps and sets as if they were functions comes directly from the most commonly used mathematical definition of function btw)
and then i work on the XML i’m trying to parse/filter now and see this solution online and go.. huh!!?
Trying to understand why the simplest clj app(generated via lein new app luminusdiff
) works fine locally:
~ luminusdiff cat project.clj
(defproject luminusdiff "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:license {:name "EPL-2.0 OR GPL-2.0-or-later WITH Classpath-exception-2.0"
:url " "}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]]
:main ^:skip-aot luminusdiff.core
:target-path "target/%s"
:profiles {:uberjar {:aot :all
:jvm-opts [""]}})
~ luminusdiff cat src/luminusdiff/core.clj
(ns luminusdiff.core
(defn -main
"I don't do a whole lot ... yet."
[& args]
(println "Hello, World!"))
~ luminusdiff lein run -m luminusdiff.core
Hello, World!
And fails on CI/Github Action:
Run lein run -m luminusdiff.core
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.7.0/nrepl-0.7.0.pom from clojars
Retrieving clojure-complete/clojure-complete/0.2.5/clojure-complete-0.2.5.pom from clojars
Retrieving nrepl/nrepl/0.7.0/nrepl-0.7.0.jar from clojars
Retrieving clojure-complete/clojure-complete/0.2.5/clojure-complete-0.2.5.jar from clojars
Can't find 'luminusdiff.core' as .class or .clj for lein run: please check the spelling. Could not locate luminusdiff/core__init.class, luminusdiff/core.clj or luminusdiff/core.cljc on classpath.
at clojure.lang.RT.load (
clojure.lang.RT.load (
Github/CI env:
JAVA_HOME_8.0.262_x64: /opt/hostedtoolcache/jdk/8.0.262/x64
JAVA_HOME: /opt/hostedtoolcache/jdk/8.0.262/x64
JAVA_HOME_8_0_262_X64: /opt/hostedtoolcache/jdk/8.0.262/x64
CLOJURE_INSTALL_DIR: /opt/hostedtoolcache/ClojureToolsDeps/1.10.1-469/x64/lib/clojure
Perhaps somebody have an idea on what might be causing it?@nfedyashev Most likely you're not running lein run
in the corre... yeah, what @noisesmith said 🙂
those deps it downloaded are its own deps, you should have seen your deps download
if you had any :D