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There is an RRB-vector library that I haven't checked the performance of myself, but intends to have good big-Oh performance on concatenating arbitrary pairs of vectors, or splitting vectors at selected points. It has a catvec
function for concatenating vectors, but only works on its own vectors, not Clojure's built-in ones:
That is definitely a bit off the Clojure beaten path.
It says it works on regular Clojure vectors... I benchmarked it too
user=> (require '[clojure.core.rrb-vector :as fv])
user=> (def big-vec (vec (range 1000)))
user=> (def big-fvec (fv/vec (range 1000)))
user=> (bench (fv/catvec ['foo] big-vec))
Evaluation count : 5483040 in 60 samples of 91384 calls.
Execution time mean : 10.801576 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 303.262627 ns
user=> (bench (fv/catvec ['foo] big-fvec))
Evaluation count : 5678460 in 60 samples of 94641 calls.
Execution time mean : 10.603606 µs
Execution time std-deviation : 123.580560 ns
OK, I did not realize that lib supported concatenation on normal Clojure vectors, too.
(me neither, until just now -- I'd never actually looked at it before, but clj -Sdeps ...
makes it so easy to play with a library that I couldn't resist 🙂 )
Can anyone advise how to compare Java objects nested in maps please? I’ve used
to parse two strings into (equal) Durations, but my tests fail presumably because object identity is being compared.
I understand that I could use interop to call the equals
method of the Duration to get a value comparison, but I don’t understand how to do this when the Duration is nested in a map.
So... I have an array of maps that looks like this
[ {:tz_label "Pacific Daylight Time", :deleted false, :is_bot false, :color "757575", :real_name "slackbot", :updated 0, :name "slackbot", :presence "active" }
{:tz_label "Pacific Daylight Time", :deleted false, :is_bot false, :color "757575", :real_name "Some User", :updated 0, :name "some_user", :presence "away" } ]
I want to get only the maps that contain :presence "active"
Stuff like
(into {} (filter #(-> % val (= "active"))
(zipmap (map :real_name (get (clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members)) (map :presence (get (clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members)))
is ugly...Also
(map (juxt :real_name :presence) (get (clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members))
Close, but not really.Ah, nice. I also found the matching-entries
It should work! You can even skip the = true
part since the result will be truthy anyway
Doing something wrong...
(count (filter (fn [user] (= "active" (:presence user)) (not (:is_bot user)) ) ((clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members))
This works
(matching-entries ((clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members) :presence "active" :is_bot false)
CompilerException java.lang.RuntimeException: Can't take value of a macro: #'clojure.core/and, compiling:(/tmp/form-init6285822146552374847.clj:1:16
(count (filter (fn [user] (= "active" (:presence user)) and (not (:is_bot user)) ) ((clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members)))
user=> (filter (fn [user] (and (= "active" (:presence user)) (not (:is_bot user)) ) ((clj-slack.core/slack-request connection "users.list" {"presence" "1"}) :members)))
#object[clojure.core$filter$fn__5610 0x5aa6cbba "clojure.core$filter$fn__5610@5aa6cbba"]
@overde You don't seem to have a quote for your macro body...?
Macros don't evaluate their arguments -- so b
is literally the unevaluated form (-> c :name)
I think you want
(defmacro branch?
"Validate if the branch is actionable"
[b & body]
`(cond (= ~b "develop") ~@body
(= ~b "master") ~@body
(s/includes? ~b "release") ~@body
:else false))
Note the backtick around the macro body and the ~
in front of b
each time to expand its value.
A caution here is that will evaluate b
each time it is mentioned -- because the expression is substituted into each place. It's usually safer in macros to introduce a local bound name for the argument to ensure it is only evaluated once:
(defmacro branch?
"Validate if the branch is actionable"
[b & body]
`(let [b# ~b]
(cond (= b# "develop") ~@body
(= b# "master") ~@body
(s/includes? b# "release") ~@body
:else false)))
@overde Like this...~@body
isn't appropriate there
perhaps (do ~@body)
I'd probably write it with a when
and an or
so there's only one copy of ~@body
(defmacro branch?
"Validate if the branch is actionable"
[b & body]
`(let [b# ~b]
(when (or (= b# "develop")
(= b# "master")
(s/includes? b# "release"))
the difference is the behavior if the index is not found
+user=> (nth [] 1)
IndexOutOfBoundsException clojure.lang.PersistentVector.arrayFor (
+user=> (get [] 1)
+user=> (nth [] 1 :not-found)
+user=> (get [] 1 :not-found)
why not contains?
for that?