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What would be the best/easiest web framework to write a single page app with? Luminus? I would just need to handle authentication, serve the main index.html and prove some endpoints
@doddenino: luminus is a good choice. If you want to write the client side on cljs add the +cljs flag when creating a new lumins project you will have a good base to start.
@jmayaalv: is there a list of all available luminus flags when creating a new project? I can't seem to find it
yes, you can find them on github:
you will probably want to add +swagger as well. it would help a bunch for documentation and testing.
all that i can figure out from the template code is that figwheel just starts the server
i can get it to work, by going into lein repl and starting my go loop manually once figwheel is loaded
@krchia what purpose does this go loop fulfill ?
I know in Haskell, it's considered pretty much an anti-pattern when you need to force evaluation of something lazy
@lmergen: If you find yourself using those functions, it's definitely worth considering whether your lazy seq should have been a vector in the first place.
@krchia: if you follow the pattern in the "scripting with component" section: you can create a component that starts a go-loop
@lmergen yeah, those are used more for side effects than for eager evaluation/consumption
yeah. if there was a reduction/aggregation around the items then reduce or into could make sense, but if the sequence just needs to be consumed to confirm something on the production side...