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István Karaszi18:04:19

`pod.babashka.postgresql` without SSL

István Karaszi18:04:33

Is there a way to connect to a PostgreSQL host without using SSL?


Can you try this using normal next.jdbc on the JVM? If you can get it to work there, then I would try it again with the pod. I think it should work the same


If it does not, please let me know

István Karaszi18:04:21

does pod.babashka.postgresql support JDBC connection strings?


it's using next.jdbc under the hood so it's best to try that directly first when running into issues and only after that see if it's a pod-specific issue

István Karaszi18:04:30

Thanks, I’ll try that first


yeah so adding :useSSL false to your db spec might be what you need

István Karaszi18:04:34

It did not seem to work 😞

István Karaszi18:04:51

Type:     clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
  Message:  SSL error: Remote host terminated the handshake
  Data:     {:type "class org.postgresql.util.PSQLException"}
  Location: pnn/db.clj:19:8


can I see the invocation that you tried? next, try next.jdbc directly.

István Karaszi18:04:48

the relevant part looks like this:

(ns pnn.db
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [get])
   [honey.sql :as hsql]
   [pod.babashka.postgresql :as pg]))

(def db
  {:dbtype "postgresql"
   :host (or (System/getenv "DB_HOST") "localhost")
   :dbname (or (System/getenv "DB_NAME") "pnn")
   :user (or (System/getenv "DB_USER") (System/getenv "USER"))
   :password (System/getenv "DB_PASS")
   :port (parse-long (or (System/getenv "DB_PORT") "5432"))
   :useSSL (not (System/getenv "DB_NOSSL"))})

(defn get [url]
  (->> {:select [:url :info] :from [:notifications] :where [:= :url url]}
       (pg/execute-one! db)))


can you substitute false directly to see if that helps?


I think you can also use a direct JDBC url instead of the map. Not sure why this wouldn't work though

István Karaszi18:04:00

I’ll try that as the next option

István Karaszi18:04:26

same error with explicit false:

----- Error --------------------------------------------------------------------
  Type:     clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
  Message:  SSL error: Remote host terminated the handshake
  Data:     {:type "class org.postgresql.util.PSQLException"}
  Location: pnn/db.clj:19:8
  ----- Context ------------------------------------------------------------------
  16: (defn get [url]
  17:   (->> {:select [:url :info] :from [:notifications] :where [:= :url url]}
  18:        hsql/format
  19:        (pg/execute-one! db)))
             ^--- SSL error: Remote host terminated the handshake

István Karaszi18:04:18

I feel like I am trying to catch a red herring


Try with JVM

István Karaszi19:04:47

I’ll try to verify if the DB is configured correctly

István Karaszi19:04:03

I’ve checked the connection settings with a simple psql Docker image:

FROM postgres:16.2

CMD psql -a -c "SELECT 1;" $DATABASE_URL

István Karaszi19:04:28



ok, perhaps :ssl false works in the db settings?


This might be a question #C1Q164V29, how to get next.jdbc to produce ssl=false in the query string

István Karaszi21:04:09

sslmode=disable was necessary, tomorrow, I’ll try without ssl=false

👍 1