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A question about Paredit + Vim (via Neovim in my case, if that's important) and Calva. Suppose I have this code:

(expression  (sdf|sd) "asdfsd" ) ;; comment
with the text cursor being where the | is. In regular Vim, pressing shift+d would then turn it into (expression (sdf, thus breaking the balance. Apparently, Vim + Fireplace would result in (expression (sdf)). Is there some way this could work in Cursive as well? I tried looking in the settings but couldn't find anything.


I don’t know anything about how Vim or Neovim works with VS Code. But I imagine it would be a matter f mapping D to a Paredit command. However, there is no Paredit command like that in Calva, so I think that means “no” to the question.


Closest equivalent I can think of is Paredit Kill Forwards. It would result in

(expression  (sdf|) "asdfsd" ) ;; comment
Then it would refuse to delete anything more. And you could do forward down and then kill forward again.
(expression  (sdf)|) ;; comment
And once more to kill the comment.

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Would be interesting to learn about why/when it makes sense to delete like that. I don’t think it’s super hard to implement.


It's just my curiosity. :) Prompted by learning what Fireplace does in that case. I was certain that at some point I saw a setting like "perform all the edit actions without making parens unbalanced", but I've probably hallucinated it. And I also occasionally do mess up the balancing because of how Vim works. Trivial to fix of course, but that still got me curious about possibilities out there.


Calva has a command for healing the structure using the indentation. So in theory it could be a matter of stringing together the raw D command with Infer parens. But only in theory, because the infer command is a bit dangerous, operating on the whole file, and out of sight something may not be properly indented…

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Vladimir Pouzanov17:04:57

is there any way to disable "Welcome to Calva" thing? my sidebar is usually collapsed and it shows up on every launch of a clojure project.


You mean the output channel? Look for “Calva says” in settings.

Vladimir Pouzanov18:04:36

bummer. I thought I did that before. Thanks!

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