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Hello. One simple question. How do you tell when a Babashka script is executed from the terminal (via #!/usr/bin/env bb) in contrast to loading the file into a nREPL session? I'd like to test and play around with the helper functions but don't want to run the main script form.

Bob B01:10:33

this section: <> might be what you're looking for


Oh great! Thank you! I'm not sure how I skipped this section altogether

👍 1

with what black magic does the self-contained binary / uberjar work? So you stuff together the binary and the uberjar into a binary and just skips that binary and looks for the the zip?

👍 1

aha, TIL > ZIP archives can also include extra data that is not related to the ZIP archive. This allows for a ZIP archive to be made into a self-extracting archive (application that decompresses its contained data), by prepending the program code to a ZIP archive and marking the file as executable.

💡 1

well very cool and useful, thanks!