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weavejester01:10:42 1.11.0-beta2 is out, hot on the heels of beta1. A complexity issue with some of the WebSocket helper functions came up shortly after the first beta was released, and this version was released to resolve it.

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gratitude-thank-you 6
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Ertugrul Cetin13:10:10

MineREPL is released - Interactive 3D Tool for Learning Programming with Clojure:

clojure 29
minecraft 20
👍 4
🎉 8
😎 7

This is really cool, and the user experience is lovely!


Based on it looks like :)


Thought it looked familiar. 🙂

Tomas Brejla14:10:44

It's lovely, looking forward to try it more in the evening 🙂 My first 2c: 1. shift-enter is used to evaluate. Could alt+enter work as well? (my muscle memory uses this combination) 2. immediately after I was introduced to W, A, S, D, I gave my character some momentum, switched to the (jump 1000) expression, evaluated it and... And I jump/slided out of the board. Now the poor fella is flying in the endless space. It might be a good idea to introduce (init) as soon as possible 😉 I found it by trial-and error. I'll try the rest of the tutorial later.

Ertugrul Cetin16:10:07

@U04V15CAJ yes true, it's a fork of Maria cloud

Ertugrul Cetin16:10:29

@U01LFP3LA6P will address these, thanks for the feedback!


It looks amazing! I really liked it. One thing though, in my browser (latest Firefox) I need to type in Shift + Enter twice for the expressions in the code block to evaluate. If I just pressed the combination once, it only enters a new line.

Chris McCormick06:10:33


🙏 1
Ertugrul Cetin08:10:14

@U02BATFPN78 thanks! will have a look to that issue


Here’s a starter project for Interactive Programming, using #membrane to make things extra fun. See also post in #news-and-articles about the video that shows how to use the project.

🎉 7