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Hey team, one more question. is there a way I can make my babashka script -main when executing, without explicitly invoking -main in the file? Context: ā€¢ I love being edit the script in conjure. But if I weI love being to edit the script in conjure. But if I evaled the whole file, it would end up running the script, which I don't want


You can check if the current file is the file babashka was asked to execute. Example from my code: Then your code works both as a script (-main is executed) and as a library (-main is not executed)


> This can be exceedingly handy for editing complex scripts interactively, while not being able to adjust how they are invoked by other tools.

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Also, you can eval the whole script from your REPL without accidentally running anything -main.


Wohoo! This works great -- thank you team

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I ended up using the bb tasks rather than a main as it allows me to have multiple entry points for the different 'tasks' I want to handle. The :init section parses the command line and then options are available to the individual tasks.