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Hi I am sure this has been asked before - what libraries would you use to get the equivalent behaviour of grep, sed, awk and find?

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Interesting question! I hope we get lots of answers. find - babashka.fs/glob grep - clojure.core/filter sed and awk - some combination of glob and filter. You can always babashka.process/shell out to find, grep sed and awk. I’ve ported a few bash scripts to babashka, and I find that doing as little as possible in each step is a good idea.


Specific examples of using grep, sed, awk and find would help — then we could see (specifically) how those could be implemented in Babashka.


find working/$RELPATH/Lifecycle/ansible -type f -name '*.yml'| xargs grep -liE 'report PROPERTIES'

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oooh, this looks like a nice thread-last (`->>`)-pipe! I’d start with a babashka.fs/glob for the files, then run filters with babashka.fs predicates for files, and file name checks. Xargs would be a map with a new function from each file to a slurp, clojure.string/split-lines and a filter. Not sure what the grep args are doing, but I’d assume that could be a predicate option. I don’t have the time to write an example right now, so you’re (unfortunately) just getting loose ideas (yet)!


(perhaps other babashka-ers reading this thread can take that as a call to action)


Too add to what @U3X7174KS, babashka has all you need, and IMO its offerings are better (i.e. more reliable, easier to maintain)


Teodor's answer should give you a few pointers, a few others in


It's a bit of a mindset shift, as you're using a real programming language now, which is a bit more verbose but also more reliable, more modular, etc etc


find is just a map over fs/glob


anything in particular you got stuck with?


I will give it a go.

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It is these unix tools that I got used to that if I could get into babashka mode might mean I don't end up with a mixture of the two.


The other tool I heavily use if Sed.


clojure.string/replace is a good replacement


hey fellow babashka enthusiasts. I do have a quick question. I’m trying to use a shutdown hook in one of my babashka scripts but It seems it only reacts to SIGINT not SIGTERM I”m using it like I found it in the readme (-> (Runtime/getRuntime) (.addShutdownHook (Thread. (drain-queue))))


@U0J8XN37Y can you confirm this is different behavior than clojure's?


I’ll try. Have to say I”m so used to seeing the the java code in a lot of projects at work and knowing that this works with k8s pod lifecycle management I did not second guess it. Will try and report back


It seems clj / java does execute the shutdown hook on SIGTERM. Maybe this is an issue with native image, I'll run a test


Yes, that’s what I found out too. I found a way using signals to trigger an system exit which works, but looks a bit hacky


yeah, I was going to propose that as a workaround :)




I think if there’s no signalHandler for TERM it will will be treated as a INT, but might be wrong


Seems to happen with small repro as well. I asked here in the native image channel now.


@U0J8XN37Y I think this fixes it: Once this build finishes, you can try the dev-build version:

bash <(curl ) --dev-build --dir /tmp


Wow! Awesome, thx for the fix!


Was looking into how to fix it myself, but sadly I’m pretty new to graalvm


If you're not on Windows you should be able to test it


since the other builds already have finished

Ferdinand Beyer18:04:56

Using babashka.process, a customer reported this error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.Process.onExit()Ljava/util/concurrent/CompletableFuture; It seems that the problem is that the if-before-jdk8 check is a macro, and we compile our application ahead-of-time and deploy a uberjar, which means that the Java version check is done at compile time, with a potentially different Java version as encountered during runtime. Is this by design?


is the customer running with jdk8?


it is by design that jdk8 is supported, but only if you compile on jdk8

Ferdinand Beyer18:04:27

Yep, this one was running Java 8

Ferdinand Beyer18:04:58

I’m wondering if it would be better to do this check at runtime, maybe cache with a delay or similar. For us, this means we would need to exclude babashka.process from AOT compiling (not sure if that’s possible). Not a big deal, as we now added a check to check for a minimum version, but it was surprising nontheless


I think I've already gone out of my way to support jdk8. If I would make any changes to this, I'd be tempted to drop support for jdk8 altogether

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@U07M2C8TT are you a colleague of @U922FGW59 maybe?


Yeah, sorry for the duplicate questions… we were both looking at the same thing