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idea: 4clojure as a babashka script, it stores the scores in a local sqlite3 database
Naive first version:
(ns babashka.4clojure
(:require [clojure.walk :refer [postwalk]]
[clojure.edn :as edn]))
(def problems
{"Intro to Strings"
{:description "Clojure strings are Java strings. This means that you can use any of the Java string methods on Clojure strings."
:puzzle '(= __ (.toUpperCase "hello world"))}})
(defn -main []
(loop [[title puzzle] (rand-nth (seq problems))]
(loop []
(println title)
(println (:description puzzle))
(prn (:puzzle puzzle))
(let [answer (edn/read-string (read-line))
substituted (postwalk #(if (= '__ %) answer %) (:puzzle puzzle))]
(prn substituted)
(if (eval substituted)
(println "Correct!\n")
(do (println "Incorrect. Try again.")
(recur (rand-nth (seq problems)))))
😎 20