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Filipe Silva10:04:18 v1.0 is out. FileDB is a reactive database environment for your files. It watches your files on disk and loads some of their data to a database. You use and to interact with this data, and add reactive triggers for automation. This is the first release so everything is new, AMA!

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Kurt Harriger15:04:46

based on you’re readme and project goals you might look at db. An open source schemaless graphdb similar to xtdb but with ontology support to provide context to avoid naming conflicts and equivalence relations that can bring things together and make sense of it as a whole.

Filipe Silva16:04:49

I've worked with Fluree for about a year and a half before... I think XTDB is actually way better for these ad-hoc data cases because you don't need to be doing schemas (huh I could swear I had to do schemas with fluree but I don't see it now?) and it auto-indexes the toplevel keys

Filipe Silva16:04:30

I also feel like fluree is a bit harder to work with than xtdb which is a big factor for trying stuff out

Filipe Silva16:04:25

fluree seems to have changed a lot... I can't even find clojure docs for it anymore