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Starting to use Datomic in a deep/real/production way for the first time, and I feel intense gratitude for it being made free. I feel like it somehow makes me a better programmer by using it, and using it is truly fun. I've found for me it's been leading to a development process where I can try to make some rough initial schema for some data, transact that data, do the queries I need, and out of that process will fall obvious improvements to the schema/my overall understanding about my own data model. And I can keep repeating this process. What a cool piece of tech! Thanks to Rich and the Datomic team/nubank!

❤️ 19
😊 2
gratitude 5
datomic 4
Jared Michael Dobson22:04:52

Thank you Thiru for making - it is very nice to not have to reload any imported files in the REPL. 🙂🎉