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v2023-10-03.333 of, a little program that turns Clojure data structures into tables. - Sort maps and seqs of maps by key - Show expand/collapse controls when a seq of maps exceeds :print-length - Reduce memory use and improve performance

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Roman Liutikov13:10:49

Documentation and tooling update for UIx, a thin wrapper for modern React ā€¢ šŸ“– ā€¢ šŸ Convert existing RN project to UIx in a single step, by running npx create-uix-app@latest {{app-name}} --react-native ā€¢ šŸŖ Updated use-subscribe to interop with re-frame subscriptions Join #CNMR41NKB for discussion, feedback and more updates

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in React v18 the function is a part of the public API so there is no need to install the packageDoes this refer to useSyncExternalStore? Do I just drop it in place of useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector?

Roman Liutikov14:10:24

@U06B8J0AJ good point, this part is misleading now since UIx API is React v18 compatible. "use-sync-external-store" is still needed, because useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector, defined in that package, takes a custom comparator function. In case of cljs it's cljs.core/=, which is needed for use-subscribe to work correctly, since state data is Clojure data structures. I've updated the docs.


OK, thank you for clarifying!

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