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Hello @cfleming 🙂 I noted that you said to @peterwestmacott that Code With Me is still in an experimental stage. But what should we expect to work right now? Rachel uses the REPL pane, but my colleague and I can't seem to share the REPL. Nevermind, we figured it out! Exploring Code With Me currently, it's an exciting prospect.

Rachel Westmacott10:10:52

it sure is! We've found it to be equal parts amazingly useful and maddeningly frustrating.

Rachel Westmacott10:10:46

as more of the keyboard shortcuts get implemented for the 'client' it gradually improves, but there are still occasional moments of baffling non-functionality


Oh. We haven't stumbled into that yet, I think


It'd be cool with some more granularity, as well; I'd like my colleague to be able control the REPL, but not "the whole system" :D


I’m definitely interested in feedback on how this works. It’s difficult because I don’t use it myself, and it’s very hard to have automated tests for. I have a catch-all issue from when I looked at this a while back, I’d be interested if any of the items are now obsolete or if new items need adding. I’ll update it with bug reports either from here or comments on that issue, and try to do a sweep through them soon.


Of course, a link to the issue would be a good idea:


@cfleming cheers, I'll write something when I have time. Is your outset that you don't even know what the experience of using it is? I could write up a short description of how it works for me and my colleagues. I'd do a recording if our workplace would allow time for such stuff, but it doesn't, and I can't really share a video of us working on our actual code base 🙂


I’d definitely be interested in any experience reports. I have used it briefly myself for testing in my last round of looking at it, but I’ve not used it much since I don’t collaborate with anyone on Cursive.

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