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Trying to get my (Neo)vim terminology correct.. does this seems a meaningful and correct summary? "A Tab page holds one or more windows, each window is a view on a buffer, a buffer holds the contents of a file or anything else held in the editor memory (repl log, etc). A tab page can provide a logical grouping of windows and some commands are constrained within the bounds of a tab page (without using the :tab modifier) Tab pages are often referred to as tabs."


Seems good. But what do you mean by > some commands are constrained within the bounds of a tab page ? Which command in particular do you have in mind?


From the Neovim docs... :help tab-page-intro which I am still working through... "Most commands work only in the current tab page. That includes the CTRL-W commands, :windo, :all and :ball (when not using the :tab modifier). The commands that are aware of other tab pages than the current one are mentioned below."


For example, I assume I could use the scope of tab pages to close all the windows in a tab page except the currently active one, leaving the windows open in any other active tab pages... but I havent tried this yet 😄


Ok I understand. Indeed commands on windows will not affect the layout of windows in other tabs 😀


Thanks, that seems a clearer way to describe than the Neovim docs.

Noah Bogart13:10:37

I think that’s roughly correct