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Carsten Behring20:03:02

As I settled on dev-containers for polyglot Clojure programming for data science, I published here: a minimal setup which gives you a devcontainer having Clojure+python+R preinstalled. Devcontainer works now with and without vscode, thanks to

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Announcing, a “visual REPL” for UI component development. It stands on the shoulders of devcards, and borrows heavily from Storybook.JS: Render UI components (or layouts) in isolation, quickly review components with varying input data, different resolutions, dark mode, etc. It comes with support for Reagent, Rum, Helix/Pure React, Dumdom, and even DOM objects or raw HTML strings out of the box, and adding support for other rendering technologies is little work (as illustrated by Check out for instructions on getting going and The tool is usable but still in active development, and I’d love input, suggestions and help from anyone who wants a strong native ClojureScript alternative to Storybook.

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I just wanted to test Portfolio with Helix, but as I tried to require portfolio.ui , I got a build failure back: The required namespace "snabbdom" is not available, it was required by "dumdom/core.cljs".. Do I need to add another dependency besides portfolio or is this a problem with my deps resolution? I am using shadow-cljs.edn for dependencies and added [no.cjohansen/portfolio "2023.03.21"], maybe I can try deps.edn.


Thanks for reporting! I have very limited experience with shadow, but this looks like a bug. I'll have a look at it. I've only used portfolio with figwheel-main.

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@U032GJ90EMA could you try the following: This seems to have resolved the above error for me but now I am stuck debugging some new ones just want to see if everything just works for you.


I have just now tried setting up a shadow project to test this myself, and ran into some problems. Looking into it 🙂


AFAIK shadow-cljs.edn is unable to process SHAs in :dependencies, so I had to use deps.edn for dependencies and link it to shadow via an alias. However, the latest SHA 6beb9521ef5b0f5a631fe6979530f99915730c51 seems to resolve the build failure for me, but I haven’t tested if the actual library works.


I’m cutting a release now


Fixed in 2023.03.28, make sure you read this:

🙌 2

Nice, now I was able to test it and it works great! May try it on my app project when I am making more progress.

Matthew Downey21:03:56

Whoa very cool, this is exciting!