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Adrian Smith15:03:28

Has any one tried to use AWS Athena with JDBC Next? I'm having trouble getting a driver to be picked up

Adrian Smith15:03:05

Unhandled clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo
Execution error (SQLException) at java.sql.DriverManager/getConnection ( No suitable driver found for jdbc:=...
That kind of thing

Adrian Smith15:03:46

I've tried these two separately in deps.edn:

awsathena/driver {:local/root "./AthenaJDBC42-"}
liftoff/athena-jdbc-driver {:mvn/version "1.0.0"}

Adrian Smith15:03:48

Pointing to the jar directly (as defined above) gives this:


I think you need to mvn install it


Or perhaps be more knowledgeable about Maven than I am, but I remember going through this and all those variables only get filled in if you install it properly (e.g. mvn install:install-file -Dfile="./AthenaJDBC42.jar" -DgroupId=Athena -DartifactId=AthenaJDBC42 -Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true in my case).

Adrian Smith17:03:23

Thank you, I'll install maven 🙂

Adrian Smith11:03:55

I understand that the jar gets installed into .m2, I haven't tried anything yet but do I just update local/root to the jar in .m2 or can I use it like a normal maven coord in deps.edn?


Once Maven knows about it, you can just use Athena/AthenaJDBC42 {:mvn/version ""} like a normal dependency in deps.edn.

🙂 2