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Mateusz Mazurczak13:03:13

Hi, do you have some react-native ui component library that you use? I'm looking for something minimalistic to quicker build components that are consistent. Something like:


You can use Tailwind in RN, so you could probably adapt most of those components.


For the most part, Iā€™m using RN so that I have access to native components in the first place.

šŸ‘ 2
Mateusz Mazurczak17:03:24

Yeah this is something I plan to use, but I was wondering if maybe there are some that consider different phone features like notch in iphone


You can take a look to UI Kitten, I like it, it looks good enough to start building a modern app, and works good with React Navigation šŸ‘

Miguel Angel Gallardo Lemus04:05:06

hi @U02TF2JU3M4 can you share how you use React Navigation in clojure react native app.