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Not hard today fortunately...
I have @U1EP3BZ3Q’s solution working - now squint...
(defn find-id-all [m? block]
(or (find-id block m? 100)
(find-id (apply map (comp str/join vector) block) m? 1)))
can you try:
localStorage.setItem("editor.modifier", "Ctrl")
in the console and then refresh?I should probably switch to Ctrl for the modifier key since Windows/Cmd gives problems on other OSes than mac
I haven’t made this tweak in cherry but I’ll just change the default key on non-Mac I could not yet figure out how to do without loop-recur.
My solution for today, I’m not happy with it
@U2E1D7WUB impressed by your solution, so neat and nice!
Same code for both parts:
My solution, after some fixes, finally i may share without my shame
(defn errs [a b] (apply + (map #(if (= %1 %2) 0 1) a b)))
(defn refl [c es]
(->> (range 1 (count c))
(keep (fn [i] (let [[a b] (split-at i c)]
(when (= es (apply + (map errs (reverse a) b))) i))))
(defn transpose [m] (apply mapv vector m))
(defn task [s es]
(let [m (str/split-lines s)]
(or (some-> (refl m es) (* 100)) (refl (transpose m) es))))
(->> (str/split input #"\n\n")
(map #(-> [(task % 0) (task % 1)]))
(reduce (partial mapv +) [0 0]))
My It’s rather bulky. I read the part 1 quickly before going off to a day of meetings and while thinking about it during the day I made a guess what part 2 would be. I was completely wrong. I tried to keep all the info as I went along, none of which I needed, it turned out, for part 2. Oh well. A few tweaks to my logic and both parts run with same code. @U2E1D7WUB I like your stack trick for finding the mirror pair.
My basic trick was
(let [[a b] (split-at n rows)] (every? identity (map = (reverse a) b)))
Here’s one from a clojure noob, 100% not clever, I feel lots of attention goes to figuring out the clojure stuff instead of thinking about the actual problem 😞
Questions to all: • Maybe we should remove an url to the github from the channel topic? It's been dead for 3 years now • What do you think about new leaderboard just for this year (and maybe new every year)? Current one is almost full with more than half people are inactive.
Day 13 - can't understand the task description clearly
I want to solve all the AOC by myself without reading suggestions, but can't clearly understand the task & examples. What means "perfect reflection" - should we check palindrome ONLY with (inc (quot cnt 2))
center (rows or cols) and may drop only line/col #1 (all the examples from description shows this case!) or we have to find all the palindromes? What to do if patters has more than 1 reflection - first example in description has also reflection between rows 3 and 4 (two pairs of rows) - what to do in this case? What to do if pattern has no reflections at all, even with 2 rows/columns?
There should be such reflection which covers one side fully. Let c_n
is a column. [c1 c2 c3 c3 c2 c1 c0]
has a reflection, Full left side is reflected on the right side. Right side contains additional column which can be ignored in reflection.