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The day 12 thread is borked for me. Anyone else?


Borked how? It seems to work for me…


I can’t reply to the thread… tried restarting app. Maybe there is a cache thats fouling things up


I could reply.


well I got some debuggin to do


Day 14 Part 2 is bonkers 😳.

🧵 2

Solution: My approach is quite slow due to transposing the data back an forth all the time, so there is a lot to improve. The trick with part 2 is that the spin cycle becomes periodical after a while, so we just have to find that point as well as the length of periodicity.

👍 1

I remember Tetris (Day 17: Pyroclastic Flow) last year — the same trick

Arno Jacobs10:12:34

Think of analog clocks. 😉


@UEF091BP0 could you mark this thread as a solution thread?

Piotr Kaznowski14:12:46

For the p.2 I assumed there will be some frequency finding in the cycles, so I didn't bother with the code and found it pretty quickly with some printing and pencil. Both solutions go in ~0.8 sec together 😛

👏 2

A fast one, 3-5 ms for part 2 on the real input (Edited: sorry, flawed measurement) I'm pretty proud of the "line-tilt" ;

(defn tilt-left [line]
  (->> line
       (partition-by #(= % \#))
       (mapcat (comp reverse sort))
       (apply str)))

👏 3

@U4XJNL67P very very similar!


except yours is fast


@U064J0EFR, yes it is very similar, cool, except your tilt is even more elegant 👍

Piotr Kaznowski19:12:52

I really like tilt with partition-by, but, interestingly, it makes my code run twice as long in comparison to my not so elegant loop (cc @U064J0EFR, @U4XJNL67P) Also @U4XJNL67P, I tried your solution on my machine, but can't go under 3 sec with it.

rjray19:12:24 When I first wrote part 1, I tried to anticipate what part 2 would be. I was wrong, and to add insult to injury my part 1 took 20s to run. So I slept on it, and this morning I rewrote part 1, getting it to run in about 43ms. Part 2, once I had time to think about it, is a familiar pattern (there's usually one of these every year).


@UUAKPEMJ9, sounds weird, but thanks for reporting, I'll check again


@UUAKPEMJ9, my mistake - I accidentally measured with a pre-warmed memoized function in the REPL. I stand corrected - mea culpa.

Piotr Kaznowski20:12:06

Cool, just started to worry there's something wrong with my machine!


Nice task! 830 ms for whole part 2 (150 rotation cycles in my case), after replacing immutable strings processing by mutable char-array with aget & aset by indexes

(let [ca (char-array input)
      cols (str/index-of input \newline)
      rows (quot (count input) cols)
      lis (mapv (fn [r] (mapv #(+ % (* (inc cols) r)) (range cols))) (range rows))
      ris (mapv (comp vec reverse) lis)
      tis (mapv (fn [c] (mapv #(+ (* % (inc cols)) c) (range rows))) (range cols))
      bis (mapv (comp vec reverse) tis)
      swaps (fn [i j] (let [t (aget ca i)] (aset ca i (aget ca j)) (aset ca j t)))
      process-line (fn [xs] (reduce (fn [iis i]
                                      (let [c (aget ca i)]
                                        (case c
                                          \O (if (empty? iis)
                                               (do (swaps (first iis) i)
                                                   (conj (subvec iis 1) i)))
                                          \# []
                                          (conj iis i))))
                                    [] xs))
      move (fn [dir] (doseq [d dir] (process-line d)))
      rotate (fn [] (move tis) (move lis) (move bis) (move ris))]
  (doseq [_ (range 150)] (rotate))
  (north-support (String. ca)))


My I loaded the \O and \# into a locmap (keyed by [r c]) and then for the cycles I did a rotation transformation on the keys of the locmap. I had a few spare moments in between meetings and rewrote my split-grouped-lines and locmap<- utility functions I’m quite pleased with those.


To practice I wrote a stateful transducer to tilt one line. cut my time in half for part 2, but did not optimize the rest, so still 10sec total...

(def tilt-transducer
  "transforms a line into sequences of the form OOO....#  by remembering round rocks and dots until # is read (or end of line)"
  (fn [rf]
    (let [dots (volatile! 0)
          rounds (volatile! 0)]
      (fn ([] (rf))
        ([result] (let [tmp (concat (repeat @rounds \O) (repeat @dots \.))
                        result (if (empty? tmp)
                                 (unreduced (rf result tmp)))]
                    (vreset! dots 0)
                    (vreset! rounds 0)
                    (rf result)))
        ([result input]
         (condp = input
           \. (do (vswap! dots inc) result)
           \O (do (vswap! rounds inc) result)
           \# (let [out (concat (repeat @rounds \O) (repeat @dots \.) '(\#))]
                (vreset! dots 0)
                (vreset! rounds 0)
                (rf result out))

(transduce tilt-transducer concat '(\# \. \O \O \. \O \# \. \O)) 
;=> (\# \O \O \O \. \. \# \O \.)


~1.8s without trying to optimize. Not the best.


Updated my solution with some optimizations. It is still Clojure without fancy things and mutations, now it takes 730 msecs. For tilt came up with this code

(defn tilt-part [^String part dir]
  (if (str/blank? part)
    (let [rocks (.repeat "O" (aoc/cnt part \O))
          space (.repeat "." (aoc/cnt part \.))]
      (case dir
        :left  (str rocks space)
        :right (str space rocks)))))

(defn tilt-row [^String row dir]
  (->> (str/split row #"#" -1)
       (map #(tilt-part % dir))
       (str/join "#")))

(defn tilt [platform dir]
  (mapv #(tilt-row % dir) platform))
TIL about string.repeat . It’s there since JDK 11. One more interesting thing — str/split can accept 3rd argument — limit. If the limit is negative then the pattern will be applied as many times as possible and the array can have any length