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so I solved part 1 of day 2 but it looks kind of hacky to me. Any suggestions?
(def data
(->> (slurp "resources/y2018.d02.txt")
(defn double-letter? [s]
(some #(= 2 %) (vals (frequencies s))))
(defn num-of-doubles [coll]
(get (frequencies (map double-letter? coll)) true))
(defn triple-letter? [s]
(some #(= 3 %) (vals (frequencies s))))
(defn num-of-triples [coll]
(get (frequencies (map triple-letter? coll)) true))
(defn part1 [coll]
(* (num-of-doubles coll) (num-of-triples coll)))
(part1 data)
;; => 6200
and I'm struggling with part 2 again. I remember doing this simple spellchecker tutorial: so was thinking this "levenshtein distance" could get me there. It's not working though as even the first string is saying it has a match with a 0
distance. But that isn't right. But now I can't get my brain off this strategy! If it continues to elude me I'll check out @potetm's video and other people's solutions. I'm thinking part 2's are going to be a bit outside my current ability but not sure when to call it and try to learn from others or keep fighting it. I don't know if spending days on one solution is fruitful at my level.
I remember I started with Levenshtein distance too but that was really slow
I implemented what the question asked for directly
Compare two strings character by character 😉
that's actually been one of my fears. I actually technically solve a problem but don't realize it's so inefficient that I gave up on it too soon.
And I sometimes spent like more than a work day on an exercise
but then maybe i should keep searching for a better solution anyways right? I think I read all problems should be able to be solved in less than 15 seconds or something.
Good to push yourself but if you get frustrated look for a hint 🙂
Or walk away for a bit
i'll mull over your approach about comparing two strings character by character. thanks
🙂 good luck!