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Playing around with 2.0. This throws:

(def node (xt.node/start-node {}))

(xt/submit-tx node
              [#_[:put :blocks {:xt/id 1 :text "foo" :status 1}]
               [:put :blocks {:xt/id 1 :text "foo" :status :todo}]])

(xt/q node
      '{:find [xt/*]
        :where [($ :blocks [xt/*])]})
;; =>
; Execution error (IllegalArgumentException) at xt$eval33447$fn$reify__33449/readObject (REPL:57).
; No matching clause: status
Uncommenting the first :put makes it work and return properly. Perhaps are not expected to work at this point? 🙂 I think it's just an issue when using xt/*.


Keyword is an extension type that has been added fairly recently IIRC, so I'm not shocked to see this - it looks worthy of raising an issue though so feel free, or I'll pick it up over the next couple of days. Thanks for flagging and giving it a go 😃

👍 2

Itching to use it, but it's early days still 🙂 I'll leave a couple of Qs on the forum.


Please do ☺️