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I’m having trouble connecting to a shadow-cljs app. It works across other editors, but not with vim and vim fireplace. 1. npx shadow-cljs watch app 2. wait for the http and nREPL servers to come up 3. open the http page via the browser 4. In vim :Connect 3333 (nREPL port) 5. In vim: :CljEval (shadow/repl :app) (where :app matches the id of the build I want to listen in on) In the status-line at the bottom, I see To quit, type :cljs/quit[:selected :app] and all of vim freezes until I hit CTRL-c. Yet the shadow cljs user guide section 14.6 leads me to believe I’ve done everything correctly.. ( ) Any input?


Found vim-iced ( ) instead. Has comprehensive documentation, including a section on connecting to shadow-cljs. Seems to work well


@U38J3881W - remember to also update the conjure line in the final example of the complete init.vim file 🙂


Oh! Thanks! Didn't spot that!