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I don't think so, I'd love a text object in vim-sexp for that


I tried my hand at vimscript, this seems to work


That would make a good text object, eg for yank etc

Muyiwa Olu10:09:50

Quick question: how do people move between dots (`.`) in Clojure. e.g. given the text (``) and your cursor is on the first f of foo, how would you move to the b in baz for example? I know in this case I can fb, but do you use f.?


I use f. or fb, I've never thought of having a find which went past. It's a good idea though, given we have t

Muyiwa Olu10:09:18

@dominicm so you would just l to the start of b?


I would probably have used fb outside of a macro, or vim-sneak if b wasn't precise enough

Muyiwa Olu13:09:08

Sorry, misread your earlier message, thanks that makes sense!