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Hi, I have been using vim for over a decade now and I am ashamed to say that I've never contributed to any plugins of any sort. In fact, before I discovered clojure, my vimrc was so tiny and the list of plugins I've used was very minimal. But now with clojure and its repl development approach, I feel the need for my editor to have a more symbiotic interaction with the programming language I'm using... Any particular reason, in that regard, that some of you switched to neovim? Was that before vim 8 and the lack of async support? Or is it something definitely worth considering for a typical (which I believe I am) vim user?


Late reply, but I didn't see anyone mention this: neovim has an excellent (once you add some plugins to it) built-in terminal. I don't need to use tmux with vim anymore, since I can do all that inside neovim now.


I switched for the async and stayed for the constant pushing forward they do


Pushing forward?


I hopped on to the Neovim train just because it seemed it's going to be the "future" of Vim - more features, active development... It's a drop-in replacement for the original so the switch was pretty effortless. Gave it a try and haven't looked back since.


Thanks guys, it's motivating me to look more into it


Remote plugins, floating windows and the msgpack RPC interface sold it for me as someone who wanted to build true async plugins in any language I wanted. (still waiting for floating windows to land in stable) - also virtual text is 💯 I use it to display documentation as I type - oh and being able to write plugins in Lua!

👆 4

@olical Yes I must admit the RPC interface is appealing... I'll try a switch today or tomorrow. Why Lua rather than vimscript? Is vimscript really bad?


I mean, I've used Vim for a long time now and it has never really grown on me. I even owned a hardback "Learn Vim Script the Hard Way" book! The Lua executes faster and is much easier to understand / work with.


My plugin is written in Clojure but the overhead of the msgpack RPC can be too much for some interactions, I get to write those in Lua then just execute a Lua function over the RPC interface. Best of both worlds!


Complex functions in Lua are much easier to understand but I would argue that VimL is still better as a DSL for creating buffers or configuring things.


thanks! I'll have a look. I still have this feeling that if I did write some plugin, I wouldn't want to let the vim people down, and I'd write it in Vimscript anyways and have it vim compatible


so not sure moving to neovim makes sense for me, but I'll still try that


Yep, which is fair enough. You can also write remote plugins that support the Neovim RPC as well as Vim 8 jobs, I just haven't bothered yet with mine.