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Joshua Suskalo00:09:31

{:deps {some.dep/one {:mvn/version "whatever"}}
 :default-deps {other.dep/two {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}
 {:some-alias {:extra-deps {other.dep/two nil}}
  :other-alias {:extra-deps {other.dep/two nil}}}}

Joshua Suskalo01:09:13

I know this could be done by specifying three aliases, one which has all the default deps, and the others which then have the actual stuff I want in them, but I was curious if it could be done without a third alias.


Is there a way to call a (non -main) function with zero args via an alias? I know this might not make much sense but just wondering if I can convert a project.clj that is doing that via an alias and "-m" without touching the project's code itself. Edit: I guess I can just use "-e" in :main-opts to accomplish this


@jjttjj doesn't -M -m work as well?


Sorry not sure what you mean. The -m option just takes a namespace to look for a -main function right?