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hmm , i was reading over next-jdbc doc and somehow am failing to see a way how to construct queries with named placeholders
in essence to write SELECT * FROM cities WHERE name = :town_name: and providing an extra param { :town_name "chicago" } .... is such functionality not present at all or am i just bad at reading the docs .... there is the ? placeholder support, but that gets horrid to use when you reach tables with 10 or 12 columns
That sounds like a job for HoneySQL (which is mentioned in the next.jdbc
That sounds like a job for HoneySQL (which is mentioned in the next.jdbc
@kulminaator I have a macro for that
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn expand-named-parameters
"Given a sql query like \"SELECT name FROM TABLE WHERE id = :id\"
and a map of the form {:id ..., :other ...}, this will return
a sqlvec representation of that query with the named parameters in
the correct position"
[sql-str params]
(let [^Pattern replace-pattern #":([a-zA-Z]|\-|[0-9])+"
params-in-order (map first (re-seq replace-pattern sql-str))
with-placeholders (string/replace sql-str replace-pattern "?")
extract-param-value (fn [param]
(->> (keyword (.substring param 1 (count param)))
(get params)))]
(vec (cons with-placeholders
(map extract-param-value params-in-order)))))
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defmacro expand-named-parameters-compile-time
"Does the same work as [[expand-named-parameters]], but requires a
string literal and a map literal in exchange for doing the parsing
work at compile time."
[sql-str params]
(let [param-syms (map (fn [[name value]]
{:name name
:value value
:symbol (gensym)})
(seq params))
param-map (into {} (map (juxt :name :symbol) param-syms))
let-clause `(let ~(vec (mapcat (juxt :symbol :value) param-syms))
~(expand-named-parameters sql-str param-map))]
(defn messages-since
"returns a max `n` messages since the given instant."
[{:keys [db]} {:keys [since n group-id]
:or {since (Instant/ofEpochMilli 0)
n Integer/MAX_VALUE}}]
"SELECT * FROM \"group\"
WHERE message.created_at > :since
ORDER BY message.created_at ASC
JOIN message ON message.to_group_id = :group-id
{:since since
:n n
:group-id group-id})))
"SELECT * FROM cities WHERE name = :town_name"
{:town_name "chicago"}))
For comparison:
;; sql is honey.sql; select, from, where are from honey.sql.helpers:
(jdbc/execute! db (-> (select :*) (from :cities) (where [:= :name :?town_name]) (sql/format {:town_name "Chicago"}))
i dont mix sql with any language, not even clojure 🙂
but ok, having a macro or a wrapping function around it indeed is not difficult to write
We have a lot of very complex, conditionally composed queries in our reporting app -- a colleague gave a Clojure/West talk about it -- so HoneySQL is perfect for that 🙂 but I know some people lean more to things like HugSQL where you can keep your SQL and code completely separate (and which, I believe, supports named parameters).
i often need to grab queries out from the programming langauge and launch at the database, if i have to start reverse engineering my own code at that point or add full logging to capture the actual statements and then run the captures .. i will get impatient quickly 🙂 (usually the need for this arises when the servers are hogged or almost down due to some anomaly, no time to play around)
so whatever i use, has to stay native sql in writeup. placeholders are ok. mix of 2 languages is not my cup of tea.
@kulminaator A final comment on HoneySQL v2 then: in response to specific requests -- for exactly that scenario -- there's an option for sql/format
that renders the SQL statement with all the parameters inlined into the string so that you can just copy/paste it into your favorite database tool.