Fork me on GitHub

Spacemacs Magit can now (for those times when you want to spend a bit more time working on the PR or need some initial feedback) , m d toggle draft status when viewing a pull request (in the git layer along with Magit and Forge) I create pull requests from Magit Status buffer using forge, so I dont need to visit the GitHub website to do so. • SPC g s to open magit • @ a to add the repository to Magit Forge and download the topics (issues, prs) or @ f f to refresh the topics if the repository was already added • @ c p to create a pull request, selecting the branch with the changes then the branch to merge into • Edit the pull request description in the buffer that pops up and optionally toggle to draft • , , or Z Z to complete the pull request description and send it to GitHub This is covered in more detail at along with and setup

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