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A Clerk project set up with:

clojure -Sdeps '{:deps {io.gitclojure -Sdeps '{:deps {io.github.mentat-collective/clerk-utils {:git/sha "c9523f2879cd28a0801b918ada1c27ffc49b00e2"}}}' \
-Tnew create \
:template clerk-utils/custom \
:name myusername/my-notebook-project
With its dependencies bumped to the latest versions fails when bb clerk-watch is called with the error The required namespace "nextjournal.clerk.static-app" is not available. I see that the file got dropped in

Sam Ritchie18:05:05

yup, i’ll need to update the template

Sam Ritchie18:05:36

I can push a fix today!

🎉 1
Sam Ritchie23:05:42

Okay, give it a try with


Sam Ritchie23:05:09

@slack1003 that should do it. that command as written looks like it’s missing a } somewhere, but I tried the template with the fix I just pushed and it seems to work fine. let me know!