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@thheller I learned something interesting using Stu today. Using a minified d3.js makes no difference to overall artifact size. Does this make sense? And is it d3 specific or is this generally true for npm deps?


Just saw that you added "Conditional Reading" (not sure when that was added) - that is a really useful feature, and will make node/browser code much easier, thanks.


My unrelated question: is it possible to manually trigger hot code reloading, and stop the automatic load on file save?


@tony.kay will use last-index-of in next release.


@steveb8n everything from node_modules is minimized by Closure :simple optimizations yes. It sometimes even makes already minified stuff smaller but going out of your way to specifically select minified builds is not required no.


the bundle process has a bit of overhead per file though. so getting something minified over lots of files is better but not really required. overhead is small and might get smaller over time since I didn't try to optimize the overhead at all yet


that’s good to know. I didn’t realise that :simple provided so much value


I’ll probably revert that minified change in that case. provides no extra value


@mjmeintjes yes it is possible. how would you want to trigger the reload though? (shadow/watch :app {:autobuild false}) will disable the automatic reloading.


Not really sure what the best solution would be, but I thought about triggering reloading from repl if that was possible.


yep, just added API fns for that


(shadow/watch-compile-all!) to trigger a recompile on all running watches


(shadow/watch-compile! :app) for a single build


looking into one other thing and will make a release then


Excellent, thanks!


Another thing: I've been testing out the new cider version's integration with shadow-cljs, and it mostly works great. Using their function cider-create-sibling-cljs-repl, I can easily create a javascript shadow-cljs repl. This works, but the only problem is that The only slight "snag" I've run into is that shadow-cljs exits with [:no-client :devcards "Make sure your JS environment has loaded your compiled ClojureScript code."] if I try to create the repl before first loading the web page. But, of course I can't, because cider-create-sibling-cljs-repl also starts the watch and compiles the code (it runs (do (require '[shadow.cljs.devtools.api :as shadow]) (shadow/watch :%s) (shadow/nrepl-select :%s))). Is there a way to disable the initial check for connected JS environment?


I can create an issue if that is too complicated to discuss here.


I fixed that in a recent version


I thought the check would make things more user friendly. turns out it did the opposite 😉


Great - very likely that I'm running a few versions behind - you seem to move very fast.


I must add that with the new cider improvements integrating shadow-cljs, the development story of ClojureScript is becoming really great. Thanks for all the work! 👍


@mjmeintjes pushed [email protected]. if you start using the triggered compile I'd love some feedback about that. I have often though about using that myself since file watching seems to do a lot of unnecessary compiles. just to lazy to set it up.


I'm testing out the triggered compile now. I works great, the only problem I've found is that if I trigger a recompile, and nothing has changed, then the hud reloading image does not go away. I've opened up an issue for this.


That's brilliant, was thinking just yesterday that this would be great to have and now here it is. \o/