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@thheller sleepelss night for me, I tried the new closure. Was hopeing it would fix a Quill bug I had completly randomly, evening before launching a new webapp. So two post-compilation bugs I'm gettiing. But as these are both admin endpoints, then I'm actually running shadow-cljs watch
in production. Somehow build with optimizatioon :none
gave me an error, wait I can send it...
shadow-cljs release :admin ~/Documents/visitor
shadow-cljs - config: /home/hlolli/Documents/visitor/shadow-cljs.edn version: 2.2.20
shadow-cljs - connected to server
[:admin] Compiling ...
optimizations set to :none, can't optimize
ExceptionInfo: optimizations set to :none, can't optimize
clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739)
clojure.core/ex-info (core.clj:4739) (closure.clj:1081) (closure.clj:1074) (api.clj:182) (api.clj:176) (build.clj:318) (build.clj:310)
but can you say more about the quill thing? does it still not work with the latest closure?
(:require ["react-quill" :as Quill])
(defn component []
(let [quill-ref (atom nil)]
(fn [] [:> Quill {:default-value ""
:ref (fn [el] (reset! quill-ref el))
:modules {:toolbar {:container [[{:header [1 2 3 4 5 false]}]
["bold" "italic" "underline" "strike" "blockquote"]
[{:list "ordered"} {:list "bullet"} {:indent "-1"} {:indent "+1"}]
["link" "image"]
:handlers {:image (fn [_]
(let [editor (.getEditor @quill-ref)
selection (.getSelection editor)]
(.insertEmbed editor
selection.index "image"
(js/window.prompt "Please provide an image url")
headily elided, when clicking the image logo on the editor to provide img url, will work in :non the error otherwise is
admin.cljs:429 Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
at b.<anonymous> (admin.cljs:429)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (quill.js:9393)
(anonymous) @ admin.cljs:429
(anonymous) @ quill.js:9393
For line number comparison then I'm running Quill Editor v1.3.6
one minor version above that which is declared in react-quill, same behaviour is in v1.3.5.definitely always turn on :compiler-options {:infer-externs :auto}
if you run into any issues
boom, it spotted something shade there now
431 | (.insertEmbed editor
Cannot infer target type in expression (. editor insertEmbed selection.index "image" (js/window.prompt "Hvað er URL á myndina?") "user")
excuse the foreign language used there 🙂you need to tell the compiler that editor
is a JS object and nothing that uses it should be renamed
but in CLJS we don't need classes so we only need to infer that the thing is a JS object or a CLJS object
Has anyone used shadow with devcards?
If so, any special caveats?
@jmckitrick we use shadow with devcards
we have a file like this:
.... namespaces with cards
[devcards.core :as dc :refer-macros [start-devcard-ui!]]))
(defn refresh []) ;; Used for devcards live reload support
And a build like this:
:devcards {:target :browser
:asset-path "/js/devcards"
:output-dir "resources/public/js/devcards/"
:compiler-options {:devcards true :external-config {:fulcro.inspect/config {:launch-keystroke "ctrl-space"}}}
:modules {:devcards {:entries []}}
:devtools {:after-load
:http-port 8600
:http-root "public" ;; We don't use this but our handler, but this makes shadow start a http server
:http-handler dev.test-handler/handler
:preloads [fulcro.inspect.preload]}}
Does anyone here know the command to get the page in shadow-cljs which shows how much space each dep or ns takes
@mitchelkuijpers (shadow.cljs.devtools.api/release-snapshot :the-build {})
Awesome thnx!
hmm, does this look like correct usage of rename-prefixing for closure? :compiler-options {:rename-prefix-namespace "App"}
i’m running into some collisions with other code on a page, using :advanced compilation, and it doesn’t seem to have an effect
@mhuebert this is not currently support because it needs special considerations for :modules
@thheller @lee.justin.m I was getting the same results even after I used NS requires. But after looking at the compiled output, I found a workaround. Closure was optimizing away the (.bind stmt)
call, probably because it was in a let with no binding of its results (even though it returns nil). When I bound the result Closure let it through:
(let [db ^js (:db @state)
stmt (.prepare db "SELECT * ...")
bound? (.bind stmt ids)])
The sql.js
namespace includes two JS "classes" (functions with prototype methods) of Database and Statement. I'm currently bringing them in as (ns (:require ["sql.js" :as sql :refer [Database Statement]))
What's the best way to import them such that I can use them as namespaces like:
(let [
db ^Database (Database. dbBuffer)
stmt ^Statement (db/prepare sqlStr)
bound? (stmt/bind ids)])
Is that not what I'm doing here: (:require ["sql.js" :as sql :refer [Database Statement])
what you want to do is refer to the npm package name and then install the package in your repository using yarn or npm its the package name. so everything is correct
(ns (:require ["sql.js" :as sql :refer [Database Statement]))
that should work just fine?
I thought javascript includes were optimized whereas npm includes just go through “simple”
(let [db ^js (:db @state)
stmt (.prepare db "SELECT * ...")
_ (.bind stmt ids)]) ;; this call got elided
@lee.justin.m I don't understand. what are you talking about? sql.js
is a normal npm
package so it gets treated like any other. so it goes through :simple
. but simple can also remove code.
sorry i guess i got confused. i though that if you include a raw js file then it was treated differently. please ignore me.
Oh, but this is in an electron app in the UI process which is being built with :target :browser
@lee.justin.m raw .js
file requires *always* start with either /
or ./
. anything that does not start with those is a npm