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Is deref
not supported for Promesa promises?
(println (deref (p/promise 1)))
ERROR: No protocol method IDeref.-deref defined for type object: [object Promise]
{:type :sci/error, :line 8, :column 16, :message "No protocol method IDeref.-deref defined for type object: [object Promise]"
Are the Promesa macros (`p/then` , etc) the only way to operate on the value?
(Iām evaling this via Joyride, if that context is useful)
@U08TWB99B indeed, deref is not supported for promesa promises
You could wrap promises with a deref implementation but it'll never be realized in the same synchronous context like your doing there.
If it's useful for you to be able to deref the promise in a later call, you could do something like this:
(extend-type js/Promise
(-clone [p] (.then p)))
(defn derefable-promise [v]
(let [p (js/Promise.resolve v)
resolved? (atom false)
resolved-value (atom nil)
res-p (-> p
(.then (fn [result]
(reset! resolved? true)
(reset! resolved-value result)
(-realized? [_] @resolved?)
(if-let [res @resolved-value]
So in a do block, you couldn't print out the value in a blocking way:
(def p-fetch (js/fetch ""))
(def p-json (.then p-fetch #(.json %)))
(def p-iss (.then p-json
#(when-let [iss-position (.-iss_position %)]
(println :iss-position iss-position)
(js->clj iss-position :keywordize-keys true))))
(def derefable-iss
(derefable-promise p-iss))
(println :derefed-iss @derefable-iss))
:derefed-iss #object[Promise [object Promise]]
;=> nil
But you could then later deref it:
:iss-position #js {:longitude -48.2400, :latitude 4.6248}
;=> {:longitude "-48.2400", :latitude "4.6248"}
@U04V15CAJ are you worried about polluting promise for other callers in the environment?