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Frederic Alix04:04:08

Hello everyone, My name is Frédéric, I live in France in Normandy, just a few kilometers from the D-Day beaches. I discovered the Clojure language 5 weeks ago and since then, I've been diving into learning it. I bought the excellent book "Clojure for the Brave and True" and a course on Udemy. In a few weeks, I plan to take a course on ClojureStream to learn how to create REST APIs with Clojure. It's a real pleasure to join your community and share with you all.

👋 30
🇫🇷 2
Mateusz Mazurczak15:04:05

Hi Frederic, If you like a more practical approach to learning, check out 4clojure or exercism!

Matt DeAngelis00:04:29

Hi Frederic, I don't know much about what's on ClojureStream but I used #pedestal to set up a simple REST API in Clojure and it took practically no time at all.