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A minor update to Reveal Pro: 1.3.323 adds resources-{view,sticker} built on top of vega view that shows live chart with JVM's CPU and memory utilization. So far no docs update on the site since I want to add some more stuff to vega visualizations, but here is a screenshot:


A minor update (Free: 1.3.263, Pro: 1.3.325) adds support for listening to vega view signal updates using :on-signals prop. Still no official docs since there is more to do for vega, but here is an excerpt from vega-view docstring:

:on-signals    map from signal name to 1-arg fn that will be called with new
                   signal values (will be deserialized from json with
                   keyword keys)
cc @domagala.lukas

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Lukas Domagala19:12:52

As soon as I find some time I will try it out, thank you!

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